He was.
The Gospel is garbage. Platitudes that the supposed champions of, "Christians," disdain at an "oil and water don't mix" level.
Let me give you a snippet of the rational perspective on that. At our church, each Sunday a member has come forward and shared their "faith story." They've ranged in topic, from how you came to faith, how you practice it, what it has meant to you. I thought about what mine would be. And it kept coming back to "service," and how that's been ingrained in me and my family. How my son called me a couple of days after the war in Ukraine started, and how he was going to go help (and he ended up staying in Berlin, feeding fleeing families). How we loaded up a truck and trailer of supplies and went to Houston to help after Harvey, before the water had even all receded. How that had been ingrained in me by my education in faith over my life.
But looking at that rationally.....for what? Ukraine will fall. Those people are fucked. Houston? There will be more, and worse hurricanes. There will not be resources to help the victims -- the private sector will not be interested and will be sheltered from any obligations, and the government....well, fuck that socialist shit. Those are the outcomes we've chosen. Why in the blue fuck have I or my family spent ANY of our energy fighting against the things that humanity so desperately wants? That's how we want it to be. So.....let people have what they want, and get out of their way.
Jesus was a sucker. Don't be a sucker.