Fucking....THIS. MAGAs, I don't hate you for what you are, I hate you for what you do and what you believe and act on. It's 100% a "content of your character" thing. Trust me, I hate hispanic MAGAs just as much as I hate the white trash MAGAs. You are all pura basura.
A shitload of this, but they really don't think about a next American dream. They're fine if it's all burned down, so long as they are in a position to shit on someone else. They would happily see this country burn if they can be king of the ashes.
The bolded has been discussed around here some, but it merits a LOT more discussion. Someone linked a really good podcast on it. Let's put a pin in it, to discuss after the election when maybe it can get some attention and thought. Because it's really, really important. We've made a lot of progress, and done a lot of good for a lot of historically shat-upon demographics. And while that hasn't treated young men NEGATIVELY, taking away structural advantages that they counted on has made it harder, and our young men don't have the first clue how to do hard things, and we as society are not equipping them to do so, at all. It's an important thing that society as a whole is going to need to tackle, and I'm looking at you, folks on the left, feminists, civil rights activists, etc. We need a society that is collectively "healthy," and we're not there.
But for now, let's get back to the Chilis/Bennigans/Jojos/Cocos discussion.