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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Pretty sure she’s who we sat next to at a Killers show in NY a coupla years ago. When she found out we were from Austin, she started talking about her new project, asked us if we had heard of the murders (ummmm…yeah, we moved here then). I asked about any new info, and she of course didn’t seem to have any. I think we kind of annoyed her when we said “yeah, we know the story.”
  2. Not when his customers are the stupidest people to ever walk the earth: Americans.
  3. Dude. We’ve seen the “marketing” that works on the American people: it’s lies all the way down. A firehose of lies is THE thing that works. We should get one.
  4. Counterpoint: there is a time to hate.
  5. Ripped from the pages of “Duh, no shit monthly.”
  6. TLDR; Russia and the US are busy shooting themselves in the dick, and China is all
  7. Yes. Like I said, Calvin Ball. Alito quite simply believes that executive power must be constrained when the executive is a democrat, but is truly limit less when the executive is Donald Trump. He has no guiding principles other than that. It is amazing how thoroughly he has beclowned himself.
  8. It was a Russian strike aimed at a civilian target. For the purpose of terrorizing people. Dude. Russia is a terrorist state.
  9. I don’t want attention. I want something to happen that 1) will get the attention of a critical mass of American assholes, 2) to a degree that will get them to change their ways. Read a history book about movements/trends similar to the one we’re in. They all show a common theme: the only thing that checks those boxes is incredible pain and suffering. Often - routinely - in the form of horrific war. These. Do you think I WANT it to be this way? FFS, I’ve spent a third of my life waving my arms screaming “DON’T GO THERE! IT ENDS IN BLOOD!” But the American people insist on finding out, the hard way. I’d rather we get that “hard way” over and done with right quick. All the pain, fast, now. So we can stop this destructive shit before it’s too late.
  10. This is the way. This is also the way. Fight back. Fight hate with hate, pain with pain. We didn’t convince hateful fascists to change their ways in the 1940’s with thoughtful policy discussions. We had to hurt them until they cried uncle. Hurt these people. Every bit of their pain gets us one step closer to possibly arresting pro horrific slide.
  11. Also…THAT’S A BINGO. The supreme leader of our country, answerable to and controlled by no one, literally said that. And you think I’m the one rooting for pain? JFC. I want us to do everything possible to stop the worst outcome. Elon and Trump don’t give a shit that you’re wringing your hands over what I said. They’ll happily see you and yours at the bottom of a pile of bodies, and give negative shits about it. Wake up.
  12. Counterpoint: Putin tells TFG he can PERSONALLY have half of the wealth of the nations the Russia-US alliance conquers. Trump will 100% commit the full might of the US military to obtain personal profit. Stop thinking the unthinkable won’t happen. It’s already happening.
  13. Nope. Just answer this: what will motivate the American people to act to arrest our breakneck plunge into irrevocable authoritarianism? Everyone with an IQ above 50 knows the answer is “sufficient pain.” It doesn’t matter whether it’s terrorism (which, by the way, would almost certainly kill a fraction of a fraction of the number of people who will die in the coming months and years from unnecessary cancers, relaxed regulations allowing open poisoning and catastrophic safety failures, outbreaks of preventable diseases, suicides due to job loss and economic collapse, and the thousand other vectors of suffering that comes with Elon’s and Trump’s plans for us). The irony is that I’m hoping for LESS suffering, just sooner, in order to spur us to action. Trolley problem shit, but some of yall seem to still think that nobody getting hit by the trolley is still an option. It’s not. So…choose.
  14. I am. We want suffering and pain. We voted for it. We celebrate it when it’s visited on “the other.” We are incapable of understanding how stupid awful it is until the leopards start eating OUR faces. Fine. I won’t root for the leopards to eat our faces. Instead, I’ll root for us just marching towards our authoritarian future. Where - and I’ve got bad news for you - the leopards FEAST. You can choose pain now, or you can choose unending pain later. Those are the options. They suck.
  15. Like I said…the guy yelling about the risk of WWIII is shoving the world toward its inevitability as hard as he can. It’s coming. We can’t stop it. The really shitty thing is that the US is going to end up fighting side-by-side with Russia against our former allies.
  16. I’ve already gotten my kids out of this shithole country, and have ordered them under no uncertain terms NOT to come back and fight for it. We’ve demonstrated that we’re not worth a single drop of their blood. I don’t really fucking care anymore. We’ve chosen pain. Let it come.
  17. The irony of Trump screaming “you’re risking WWIII!”…making WWIII VASTLY more likely. Fuck it. I don’t care anymore. Let’s do it, and get it over with. It’s inevitable now.
  18. So…You’re ok with the regime continuing its rampage unabated - culminating in irrevocable authoritarianism - because the American people just haven’t been hurt enough to spur them to action. Noted. And NOW you’re worried about stochastic terrorism. FFS, that’s a foundational tactic of our current regime…but we’re just supposed to hope and wish for rainbows and puppy dogs.
  19. Note Ana’s last para, listing things that purportedly bother him greatly, yet 1) they’re things that are literally defining parts of Russia’s brand, and 2) Ana is giddy about our new alliance with our sole ally….Russia. Those things he listed don’t bother Ana at all. They only bother him when they are against Russia’s (and thus Trump’s) interests. Seriously…Ana…calling out things like banning political opposition. One thing about this timeline for sure: irony is dead and buried.
  20. Sure you do. Because insufficient, measured, slow-drip cruelty and suffering won’t trigger any response in time. And then, when it’s too late to stop them (because all checks are done)…then you get the death and brutality, because they are unstoppable and answerable to no one. In this timeline, your only choice is WHEN the death and brutal suffering happens, not “if.” Personally, I’d like it to happen soon enough for us to have a fighting chance to arrest our plunge into authoritarianism (which always, 100% of the time, results in death and suffering). Oh…and maybe realize that the regime is not only FINE with Americans dying and suffering, they are actively working for that goal. Quit being soft. This is an existential fight. It’s already gruesome.
  21. Americans are going to have to suffer if we’re going to have any chance of surviving as a Republic. That’s a cold hard truth. You need to absorb it. I never, ever, ever wanted it to be that way. I’ve rung every alarm bell I could imagine to warn against us reaching this juncture, I’ve actively worked against it in my personal and professional life…but here we are. Tell me that something other than massive pain and suffering will get us to alter our plunge into fascist authoritarianism - but you have to have a credible take when you do so. And…you know you can’t muster one up. It fucking sucks.
  22. How so? Seriously…you are one of our former allies. Why would you continue to expose yourself to risk by sharing intel with your stated enemy? It’s just fucking common sense. Any gesture of help to the US is seen as vulnerability and weakness, and a point of attack by the American regime. Why would you expose yourself like that?
  23. Watching one’s country irrevocably descend into authoritarianism will do that to any and every sane person paying attention. You should get with the fucking program, instead of being a collaborator. Oh, and don’t forget…you don’t have any problems with terrorism, so long as it’s under this flag [emoji635] in Ukraine. Spare us your fake concern.
  24. Germany came down with a similar cancer in 1933. How’d that work out for them? All was fine at first. Anyone who said otherwise was surely called “looney tunes.” That you can’t see history rhyming here still blows me away.
  25. Well, I’m 100% confident that the answer to “what would Jesus do” is “starve out people to complete ethnic cleansing.” It’s right there in the Gospel of Trump, which is the only book of the Bible they believe in.
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