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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Add them to the "fuck 'em, they asked for this" pile. Zero sympathy. Fuck, I'll LITERALLY cackle with glee and dance for joy as their farms fail and their land is foreclosed on. I will be happy - beyond shadenfreude, actual HAPPINESS - when they experience some of the suffering they gleefully tried to inflict on others. These are people whose primary source of joy in life is hurting others -- causing "lib tears." Well, let me in on some of that action.
  2. Ukraine should just airdrop a buncha lit matches, and let Russian operating standards do the rest.
  3. Tangent: My father died a bit over a week ago. As my wife and I were taking care of immediate things in the house, that included checking the refrigerators for items that needed to be removed. Turned out that he had 1 dozen eggs in the inside fridge, and another 18 pack in the outside fridge. As I was talking with our probate attorney yesterday, I jokingly asked "shit, do I need to list those in the inventory of the estate? That's like $100, right?"
  4. Huh. He probably should have gotten a job as a youth pastor at a Christian church. That way, he wouldn't have anything to worry about, and could claim that any efforts against him were "religious persecution."
  5. To summarize that article, government troops/enforcers are going door to door, banging on the doors of private residences, and demanding that the residents produce their papers. I grew up in a world where if you depicted such a scene in a book/movie/TV, we'd all -- ALL -- shake our heads and think "man, what a shitty authoritarian country. Must be the USSR or Nazi Germany." Today, that thing actually happens. And it's the USA. Fucking amazing.
  6. Yes. One is wearing a yarmulke. That's why I said a Nordic jewish kid AND a Nordic Palestinian wearing a head scarf.
  7. It's okay, they go after the elderly too. Last time Trump was in power, they tried to challenge the citizenship of US citizens who were born in certain border hospitals back when record keeping was not top-notch. In other words, including my father who was born in a border hospital in the 30s. US citizen, US veteran, and they wanted to challenge his citizenship and put the burden of proof on him to prove that he was born in the US, KNOWING that the records from back then are scant. My father is now dead, but I'm sure that wouldn't be an impediment to them trying to fucking deport his corpse. Fucking ghouls.
  8. Nordic Jesus on Nordic fjord with Nordic jewish kid and Nordic Palestinian kid is best Jesus.
  9. Repeated for emphasis. My phone allows access to my email, which in turn means client information. Thus, I cannot and will not allow law enforcement to access it, so I do NOT enable biometric unlocking. Password only. And among the attorneys here, the understanding is that if law enforcement takes anyone's phone because they won't provide the password, so be it. Surrender the phone, and we'll buy you a new one. But we cannot and will not voluntarily grant access to client information, ever. Of course, my wife and I are also guardians of a young refugee, here on a valid green card. And we've had to have the conversation with him about having his actual green card and TDL on him, but if he is nabbed/interrogated by ICE, his response should be 1) I am here on a valid green card, and 2) if you have any further questions, speak to my attorney (me). And yes, we have to have that conversation, as at least one student at his school has already been nabbed in a sweep.
  10. Too. Fucking. Late. They happily helped build this beast, blowing right past all the people warning them that this EXACT outcome is what they were setting up. Fuck Cato. They should hang too. And all of this. The current governing ethos of this country is petulant, vengeful rage. That's it. No higher-order thinking at all.
  11. You're a facet of a society that led to all of this coming about. We all have some degree of culpability. But more importantly, we should reach the point of not giving a shit. Leopards are gonna feast, on every last one of us. Will we have a hot civil war? We actually might. I could see Cascadia eventually seceding and joining Canada. I've already told my boy that if there is a civil war of some sort, don't come home. This country has amply demonstrated that it's not worth him dying for it.
  12. I mean....seriously....let's break that down. 1) The CIA LITERALLY created a list of every person the agency hired in the past two years. A list. Of all of them. 2) It then sent that list....via fucking EMAIL....to the White House. Think of all the movies and TV shows you've seen built around the plot device of there being a list of US spies/assets, stored on a thumb drive or somesuch, which was much sought after by our enemies, and the hero had to chase down and secure "the list" before it fell into the wrong hands. Today? The administration just types up the list, and sends it via unsecured email. Which can be hacked by every single foreign state that exists. For fuck's sake, I bet even Vanuatu has someone capable of hacking fucking email accounts. Yes, the adults are DEFINITELY in charge now. Jesus tittyfucking Christ.
  14. Might be even easier than that. Austin Elementary School gets $7000 per student. Newly created Austin Awesome Private Elementary gets $10k per student, in the form of a Texas voucher. Austin Elementary School enters into a lease with Austin Awesome Private Elementary, allowing the private school to use the public school property, for a nominal fee. Austin Awesome Private Elementary messages all current parents of public elementary students, and tells them that their kids can go to the same location, and get better-funded education by better paid teachers, if the parent 1) opts to enroll in Austin Awesome Private Elementary and 2) obtains a $10k voucher. Eventually, Austin Elementary School is a shell entity. The entire property is occupied by the tenant Austin Awesome Private Elementary. And a 200 student school facility that used to get only $1.4 million a year now gets $2 million a year.
  15. That's all okay. Sure, our intelligence apparatus will be crippled because anyone with experience and connections to assets in the field will be run off and replaced by toadies loyal to the regime who devote all of their efforts to seeking intelligence that serves Trump's personal financial interests....and that may seem bad, but have no fear. We have many loyal allies who gather good intelligence, and they will surely share that with us because the US has demonstrated that it is a good, loyal, and trustworthy friend. See, it's all good.
  16. This sort of thing is a different "class action." And it may not even be a "class action." It could just be that all of the cases are consolidated for resolution of a common legal question. Not sure about California civil procedure though.
  17. Our enemies are giddy about what the regime is doing. Our allies are agog and devastated by what the regime is doing....and will not really be our allies for much longer. Fucking amazing. And the Trump cock-gobblers fucking love this and beg for more.
  18. This. The extreme elements in this country have succeeded in taking it down. On the right, the extreme elements have succeeded by seizing control of the party on the right, and implementing insane/fever dream visions of an authoritarian hellscape. On the left, the extreme elements have succeeded by successfully undermining and denying support to the opposition party so that it can't thwart the actions of the extremist right party. Left wing petulant bitches and right wing psychopaths: ...united in destroying the Republic. Well-done, fellas. Congratulations. You did it. You really showed us.
  19. Actually, the text reflects that the dicks are like those of donkeys, but the loads are like those of horses. Get it right, scripture is important.
  20. "Word is the California Fair Plan is trying to deny smoke “cleaning” remediation vs smoke damage." If that is the legal position/issue, rest assured that you won't be the only one fighting that fight. Let things settle out, and odds are there will be hundreds of folks like you making the same argument, and the cases can and will be consolidated and you and your lawyers won't have to do all the heavy lifting. Now, the plaintiff firm that DOES take on that fight will want a piece of the action, so consider that.
  21. The missing piece (and it's not entirely missing, it's just not at nearly sufficient levels) is litigation. This administration, Musk, and lackeys of Musk have already committed dozens of acts that are fat targets for lawsuits to enjoin the action. The ONLY "political cause" that I'll be contributing to over the coming year will be to fund litigation efforts. Seriously, to do things right, by the end of this week, there should be 30 suits on file seeking preliminary injunctions. Right now, there are just a handful. But don't worry. The violent conflict is coming. I said that "these things always end in blood," and it remains true. You can't trick history.
  22. You know, accusing Surly posters of driving a Buick is fucking uncalled for, man.
  23. And in other news from Trump’s America, one of our local Jewish judges came out today to a swastika painted on her car. This regime has made open hatred and racism great again. Not only is it not worthy of shame, it’s a badge of honor. It’s going to get worse. Much worse.
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