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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. You know why America is going to shit? It's that fucking pussy roll of sausage. Son of a bitch, somebody needs their ass kicked. Some little consumer geekaroid fucked this shit up.
  2. FREE SPEECH! RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! Ain't that what all the rightwingers scream about, getting their dander up if any site so much as fact checks their "Jewish space lasers" posts? Huh. Interesting. I'm sure they will find it interesting that Meta just fucking shut down noted extremist organization....the Presbyterian Outlook: All of the things that the modern nazis complained about (major social media outlets working with the US government) have now come true, in the extreme. The oligarchs who control them are 100% entangled with and now inseparable from the US government. And they can, have, and will ban any and all speech that even makes the regime slightly uncomfortable. And every single "free speech absolutist" around here will be dead fucking silent about this ban of actual faith-based content. Fucking telling indeed.
  3. No longer a member of NATO? Dude, Europe needs to be preparing for MUCH more than that. Europe needs to begin treating the US as a hostile enemy. That includes ALL the things: they should amp up their spying on us, stop using our weapons systems (develop and manufacture the FUCK out of their own), and start reverse engineering our systems to work out how to counter them (yes, Europe needs to learn how to shoot down F-35s, and right soon). The percentage chances of a shooting war between the US and Europe are over 10% at this point, and when you reach that point, you damned well better start planning for war.
  4. That's way too low. They need to get with the program. That number should be closer to 100%. Also, Canadian defense forces should be gearing up to take out every international bridge between our countries, and preparing to mine all of their waterways and sea access points. They should also be sneaking in a shitload of sabotage teams into the US. Be ready to start blowing bridges all over, in rapid sequence. The chances of hostile military action by the US regime are way too high to not prepare for that eventuality.
  5. How could it be hyperbole when the affiliates of the regime have said...."that is exactly our plan" (privatizing all federal land)? It is all right there out in the open. No guessing or pondering is required.
  6. I must confess....my background on LNG plant operations in Mozambique is....limited. Had you said "Guyana," I'd be your man.
  7. Being that "performative aspects" is the full measure of American "Christianity" -- there is no actual gospel-based theology to be found -- now you can understand where we are. "Christianity" is just a self-given label that is entirely performative while also providing a shield against any and all consequences of being an absolute dick. You're mad because I just walked up to you and kicked you in the nuts? Too bad, I had to do it, it's my deeply and sincerely held religious belief. You're mad because I embezzled millions from our business? To bad, embezzlement is a deeply and sincerely held religious belief. "SINCERELY HELD RELIGIOUS BELIEF!"
  8. Mexican nationals? They'll be shot on sight as soon as they try to cross the border to help.
  9. Who does Dear Leader want to serve more: 1) American workers and oil producers, or 2) Putin? Yes, that was a rhetorical question. I truly can't imagine the level of idiot you would have to be to answer 1).
  10. I mean....we laugh....but Zorg is 100% his role model. He absolutely wants a world where he is the true head of state/head of everything, aside and apart from -- and thus not answerable to -- the actual voting public. He openly wants a corporate autocracy to fully replace our democratic Republic. He's not shy about saying so. He is an enemy of the state, in the truest and most dangerous sense.
  11. Still gotta get past the mines and UO. Expensive equipment going boom (and it's expensive/impossible to insure against stuff that goes boom as a result of a war) is not a good business move. Sure, once that's done, they can build camps and such, and fix airports...but that alone actually sends some economic juice to the area. Of course, there's also the very, very important point that Ukraine has absolutely no intention of sticking with that agreement. Any deal made under such duress is garbage, and one made with Trump is a whole garbage scow.
  12. I mean....you gotta give the people what they want.
  13. A whole lot of this. Think that US Extraction Co wants to invest hundreds of millions to extract minerals in an area that hasn't been cleared of mines and unexploded ordinance? Without housing for employees? DJT is bargaining for a "prize" that nobody with the ability to grab it actually wants right now, or anytime soon. Give it to him, because who gives a fuck?
  14. Duh. Have you not been reading my newsletter?
  15. "Independents." There is no such thing. If an "independent" watched Trump speak, that person is a Trumper who likes to give themselves a label that makes them feel smarter. But the approval numbers are where the proof is in the pudding. Self-declared "independents" are Trumpers. Always.
  16. Alito and Thomas have literally no commonly recognized guiding principles. They are pure Calvinball -- does an outcome serve their psychotic "conservative" goals? Then that's the right outcome. They have no use for the law, separation of powers, obligations based on that separation, etc. None. Zero. They are rogue judges who are a cancer on the country.
  17. Still doesn't matter. Promise him whatever he wants. Knowing that you have zero intention of keeping your promise (just like your counterparty). There are plenty of cultures that conduct business that way, he doesn't exactly have to reinvent the wheel here.
  18. This. Violence, and the violent response by the State and (this next part is very, very important) non-State actors who have the full endorsement and protection of the State, is a FEATURE, not a bug of the Authoritarian playbook. So, the answer is...those protests need to put the 2020 protests to shame. They should be much, much, more....shockingly more....violent. Violence IS going to happen. That much is guaranteed -- the regime has guaranteed it.
  19. Amazing how quiet the "we have guns to protect against a tyrant destroying the constitution" crowd got when we have....a tyrant destroying the constitution. It's almost like it wasn't about that at all, and never was.
  20. Oh. You think state sovereignty is still going to be a thing a year from now. You are adorable. Those parks will be taken, by military force if necessary.
  21. That's a whole lotta words to say she's Woke, and she's gotta go.
  22. You can eat your Texas Strip as you celebrate that darkness means the freedom is working.
  23. This is and always has been the smart play. Promise Trump whatever he demands -- not like you're ever going to keep that promise. "You want me to promise you a delivery of 1,000 unicorns and a working X-wing fighter in 5 years? Done deal. I've got the best unicorns and X-wings around, you're gonna love 'em." It's all pretend shit because the promise a pretend promise. Promise whatever you have to TOMORROW to get whatever you need TODAY.
  24. [Brisketexan, moving to the RGV so he can vote for Bateshorn multiple times]
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