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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lou_Sassle

  1. Lol, I don't have a life. Have you seen my previous post? I'm just drifting through life right now, chief.
  2. For fucks sake guys.... slow the fuck down....I can't keep up with these damn threads
  3. I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for helping me get through an extremely tough time lately. My fiance and I just recently lost our new born son a few ago weeks ago (and nearly lost her as well), and I have been mostly wallowing in despair. One of the few things that has helped me take my mind off of things is laughing at all the crazy shit some of you fuckers post on here. Y'all surly bastards keep being y'all, and Hook' em.
  4. Phil Mckraken and Barry McCockiner have signed the petition.
  5. Yeah..."worthy is so disgusted with Texas that he's thinking about portaling to a team Texas hung 70 on" is a pretty good take.
  6. And they thought Chris Beard was going to be their basketball coach, too.
  7. Maybe he can convince Donovan Jackson to follow him? A man can dream
  8. The funny thing is, on TFB ou they're mostly not thrilled with the thought of rhule.
  9. Fuck that shit.... take as many of them that want in and figure the rest out later.
  10. I'm not sold on williams. Especially in sarks offense. Guy is not that great of a passer.
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