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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lou_Sassle

  1. You know that, technically, he wasn't? He was held back a year. This is the year he, technically, should've been a college freshman anyway.
  2. Obtuse is my middle name, good sir. He said "Oklahoma" made a quick decision... not Riley.
  3. You don't have to tell me...I live it every day. What really sucks is that not long before I found out she was banging the scout dork, I was offered an engineering job in the Woodlands that I had to end up turning down.
  4. I was here for work and decided I wanted to be a fucking regard and marry a local. Long story short, the bitch cheated on me with my son's scout master, we got divorced, and I'm stuck here at least until my 8 yr old turns 18. At least the scenery is nice this time of year.
  5. The mountains can fuck right the fuck off. I live in PA coal country mountains and I absolutely fucking hate it here. I would gladly sell one of my testicles on the black market to be able to move back to the gulf coast of Texas.
  6. Freshman fuck up! Freshman fuck up! Pray it into being!
  7. I would. Fuck it. What do we have to lose?
  8. Yep. He's fucking amazing in every other aspect of being a running back though
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