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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. I’m saying before he went to Tech he was unproven and he took Tech to a final four , Tech has taken a few gambles and it’s done very well for them. Relax that’s what the fuck we’re supposed to do .
  2. Hey before Beard came to Texas he was unproven at Little Rock and smaller schools and took Tech to a final four. sometimes a gamble could be worth the risk I would love Jay Wright also
  3. I want one of these three Rick Pitino Royal Ivey Billy D or we can go back in time and stop Beard from going home that night
  4. It’s going to be Billy Donavan
  5. Okay people let’s focus!!! Big hire here.
  6. Damn we were winning the whole game
  7. Smh idk why yall are surprised, this has been us all year.
  8. Weaver was gone pin that shit to the back board
  9. Yea usually you never want the white dude shooting.
  10. We really are a good team out of the SEC. Sheesh
  11. Except UTSA lol
  12. Nothing like seeing a team celebrate on your field to get your mind right
  13. This is stupid
  14. Just handle business and win the fucking game
  15. And in our hearts
  16. Don’t care got Howard
  17. Wat about that one?
  18. lol we looked like the bad news bears πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  19. Why is he still in there?
  20. Welp not ideal
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