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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Bout as good as you can ask for honestly
  2. Welp Not ideal, bottom of the line-up coming ( and they haven’t really done much all season) but here we go
  3. Nah but I think we all thought we’d be more dominant this year after last season.
  4. Jesus Stewie just not in the groove right now
  5. So that mean we should score hopefully more than one
  6. Definitely thought about that also,
  7. Is it me or does it seem like our pitching hasn’t gotten better from last season and leaves a lot to be desired ?? Mac seems to have gotten a little worse Gutierrez is so inconsistent, thought an off-season would fix that. She could really be one of the best. Simpson. . . . Yea TK hasn’t gone down but doesn’t seem like she’s taken the next step either, she’s just already really good. Just thought we would be so much better in that area. Hate to sound negative
  8. We are hitting her, just not making them count when we need them to
  9. Ahhh looking like one of those games
  10. Imo she’s been at her best when coming in to relieve. But you never know with Citlaly, you either get really great or really bad
  11. I mean they’ve seen Morgan and Tegan a ton so. pitching depth imo hasn’t shown up like I think we all thought it would
  12. lol that started off promising
  13. Between her and Lee for the love of God someone needs to find a shot
  14. Honestly I’m not that surprised a lot of ppl aren’t picking Texas and we only have an 11% chance of winning it all. we can look very very bad on offense, and we lost two starters. Plus it’s March you run into the wrong team that’s hot, doesn’t matter who it is you can lose. I do think we at worse advance to an E8 anything more I consider overachieving with our offensive deficiencies this season. Now next year depending on who we get, it’s championship game at worse.
  15. ND at three isn’t great Tennessee could prove tough TCU at 2 isn’t terrible though
  16. Damn S.Car looks to have the easiest path honestly. Don’t see anyone in that region messing with them
  17. Welcome lol come to the SEC it’s a grind
  18. The only way R.T stays is if CDC doesn’t find the guy he wants. But with the interest being garnered by the Texas MB program I doubt that would be the case, but it has to be someone CDC wants
  19. Also is crazy Oklahoma lost akl those players and still looks bigger than everyone else 😂😂😂😂😂 their weight program needs to be studied by their football team
  20. Welp Oklahoma in late season form against ARKY 5-3 BloU over Arky
  21. DEAR CIACH BEARD WE WAS JUST PLAYING, COME ON BACK P.S we was just trying to see something Hook em
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