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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. If your handle was closetojumpingez, you’d be a 5 star poster in his eyes no matter your vitriol
  2. are these rankings IN Houston? Or are they OUTSIDE Houston?
  3. His #1 is pretty strong though. That said, overall, not a strong representation for UT. A couple John Belushi reaction shots in there
  4. That video really needs the Prepare your anus emoji reaction. Pouring one out for our lost emoji…
  5. Sad thing is while there is an EA office in Austin, it has nothing to do with the NCAA game. Dipshits
  6. That’s the face of a man who knows he shouldn’t have eaten 2 fully loaded burritos for lunch and is just waiting for the diarrhea to hit before he calls it a day
  7. All good man, I’ve been there. Like I said in my previous post, wasn’t talking about our guy just why he might have been overlooked
  8. Uhh ok, I grew up there, dude. Maybe it has changed in the past however many years but Oakland Tech and Skyline are the only academic schools worth a shit and they’re nothing special. And OAL football is fucking godawful, dunno if they still do it but they used to play the SF public school champion as their “bowl” and the only thing that sucks worse than the OAL is SF public school football. If you’ll note who Texas is recruiting out there, it’s all private school guys outside of Jones out in the rich folks area in the East Bay. And I wasn’t commenting on our new guy. The question was asked why no one wanted him… the OAL is largely ignored by recruiters since it sucks and my academic comment was directed towards all the “good kids” fleeing to the plethora of catholic schools in the area. Oakland high, Castlemont, Mcclymonds and Fremont are an absolute beating. McClymonds has a wall with barbed wire around it for fucks sake. so calm the fuck down, k thanks
  9. Oakland HS football is awful, violent dogshit. Virtually all of the talent gets siphoned off to the local Catholic schools (of which there are many in the area). There is an occasional fringe P5 guy that gets picked up but the last star I can remember was Marshawn Lynch. Probs been 1 or 2 since but a lot flame out because of grades too. OAL is...not strong academically
  10. Is that the look he gave when he was informed that he has 4 more babies on the way? He’s up to 12 now?
  11. It was suggested that he should medically retire. He chose Long Beach instead
  12. Agree. Cal is his other finalist and the vibe over there thinks much the same. They’re optimistic cause they think Texas will get a “better” option
  13. He was committed to Cal forever in HS, TCU swooped in with a pretty solid bag right before signing day. Made a diff for his family so all good but it didn’t have much to do with his little brother
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