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Everything posted by clarythedrill

  1. I had some buddies who were in the Army and were stationed at Hawaii. As infantrymen, they would go to Australia and other places for training. He said that when at Australia, if they saw a Cassowary, they would drop EVERYTHING and haul ass to the nearest tree and climb as fast as they could and stay there until the bird meandered away. They were warned by the Aussies about how deadly they could be.
  2. Yep, the chocolate chip uniform was Desert Storm, and those on the Army football uniform were the improved "pralines and cream" uniform issued at the start of the second gulf war.
  3. 131 in Iraq in 2004 and -26 in Vermont in 2013.
  4. We should go after Bob Stoops. Seriously. The guy knows how to win. Pushed our shit in on multiple occasions.
  5. Nice, but too bad they are giving tribute to an Army unit.
  6. I have always thought that "Cop" was the correct pronunciation, but misspelling of the Gaelic word "Kaep", which means Chief or Protector?
  7. That command will have little affect on the Army department, as right now, between the Army scholarship monies and what the university kicks in, almost every Cadet worthy of a future commission is already on a scholarship. The Army department is currently making or exceeding mission, and due to Cadre strength limitations, is not able to take on too many more into the program, and growing the Cadre is a three year process at a minimum. UT supports the Army program with most anything they want, so other than speaking or mentorship programs, this command will bring little to Army ROTC. I am really surprised that the Texas program has not grown into a small Corps of Cadets, as the support from UT makes aggies pale in comparison to their contributions to their corps.
  8. No, you sound very aggy in the way you foolishly defend something only because others do. I am career Army, so do not want my service lumped in with the Corps Of Cadets, therefore I am trying to ensure people know the difference between the two.
  9. I am dispelling the belief that the Corps of Cadets are synonymous with the ROTC departments, and they certainly are not. Those pursuing a commission through one of the three ROTC departments are a cut above the average Corps dork who is taking the course for a leadership minor and a couple of free credits. Unless they are contracted to a branch of service, they cannot even take classes in ROTC past the Sophomore year. As for the dorms and Ramirez, they would be there anyway, as those students would have to have a place to live anyway. Name them what you want, but those buildings and faculty would be there regardless of who or what they are called. Stop pole vaulting over mouse turds.
  10. Actually, the Military is growing, and just the Army is producing about 600 more per year starting in 2020. Also, taxpayers do not subsidize the Corps of Cadets. That is an a&m thing, not any ROTC departments thing. None of the branches of service pay for their WWII style uniform. The Army gives their Cadets the combat uniform (just like all other ROTC programs at other universities), and commissioning officers must pay for their dress uniform prior to commissioning. The military and the Corps of Cadets are completely different entities that are only loosely joined at times. I am certainly not defending those assclowns, but people are really misinformed about ROTC and the Corps of Cadets. I used to be the SMSI at Norwich University, another Senior Military College with a total student population of about 3,500, and we would regularly commission 90 or so Army LTs per year, and that isn't counting the other three service ROTC department commissioning's. If anything, a&m is underproducing, which should be viewed as a good thing.
  11. Unpopularity, gained by doing what is right, is not unpopularity at all........But Glory! Cicero.
  12. Nice guns Dontshoot. I have decided my next rifle will be the RPR in .308, but will have to wait until I leave Illinois in two years to acquire one. Too much of a pain in the butt up here.
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