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Grande Mart

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  1. That Texas fan up there needs to pop the balloon snake
  2. That's not actually a balloon snake, they just emptied out stoop's bag of dicks
  3. ref had some ideas for the next chapter of her novel
  4. none of those girls would walk up to Oldacre like that out in the parking lot
  5. In retrospect, it was kinda funny that he did that archer imitation celebration like he was a sharpshooter after throwing that pass that was only good because it was so bad and off target that it ended up being easier for their receiver to adjust to than our defender.
  6. They showed a Texas fan in the crowd yesterday with a baseball cap that had a big SEC logo and a little Longhorn in the middle of it. I figured it musty have been a christmas gift from a girlfriend or someone who didn't understand football, but they made him feel obligated to wear it, or he had to to get laid or something.
  7. The two point conversion throw was awesome too, didn't end up needing it, but could have been critical.
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