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Grande Mart

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Everything posted by Grande Mart

  1. I sometimes have apocalyptic dreams, perhaps from growing up in Amarillo and being told the commies were gonna nuke us from an early age since we had Pantex. I remember one when I was in college at UT probably sometime around 1997. I was walking around West Campus going to get a 40 oz from Grande Mart or something like that as I was wont to do, smoking a camel light, (damn I miss smoking) when all of a sudden I heard the Voice of God resounding over the Earth. It said “MAKE WAY FOR THE AK” in the loudest noise I had ever heard, then the shit hit the fan. It was quite intense.
  2. Well, Lincoln Riley came from Muleshoe. Maybe better to let the Russkies have it
  3. I rewatched them before I replied to you the first time. Looks to me like Dunns foot comes down on the ground next to the Canadian without making contact. 1:40- 1:41 looks like the best shot to me. Smart play by the Canuck to draw the foul though at that point in the game. and you are correct in that Dunn seems to have lost a step.
  4. No, The canadian player dove, Dunn never touched her foot. Pretty obvious. The first goal was mostly a mistake by Naeher who didn't need to go out that far when there were other defenders in position to shut down the attack which is also probably why Dunn was not in a hurry to get back.
  5. Just got around to watching today's match. The call that gave Canada the PK to tie was terrible.
  6. I reckon the Earth will get destroyed by a Vogon constructor fleet before then
  7. Whoever green lit that "what a pro wants" ATT commercial should be shot
  8. Man, whose dick did NC State suck? What fantastic day for their basketball fans
  9. So, I guess the court had the wrong measurement for the three point line on one end? Did they talk about it on TV? I was at the game and trying to figure out what they were doing measuring and talking to the coaches. It did look like one side was closer to the key. Here's from my seat.
  10. When I went to the Tower of London when I was in college, I had my friend take a picture of me with my head down on this stump in the middle of the courtyard pretending I was getting my head chopped off. Later on I realized that stump was what these guys stood on to do their speaking.
  11. Th Tillman Bridge by the Hoover Dam is fun to walk out on. If you've only driven across it, you don't know what you are missing. It was cool to watch it being built every time I drove out to Vegas from Texas. I do kinda miss driving over the Hoover Dam though.
  12. Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be awesome weather here, so if anyone's coming up from Texas, should be a good weekend to visit Portland.
  13. I live in Portland but will be in Seattle on Friday, so I'll miss that game. I'm hoping we make it to the elite 8 so I can go on Sunday. Definitely a lot of Gonzaga people around here, and I've seen a fair number of Stanford stickers on cars. Texas got screwed on this location, but I'm excited to see them, if I can.
  14. I did put a big scratch on the drivers side door from a tree branch on engineer pass. It was still there when I sold it 15 years later at 260,000 miles.
  15. Yeah, that bottleneck at the I-5 bridge going north to Vancouver along with the I-5 bridge over the Columbia itself is one of the worst spots on I-5. Hard to get Washington and Oregon to agree on how to fix it. Here's a disaster simulation showing what would happen to the Burnside Bridge. Plans are moving forward to rebuild it so it will survive a big quake, but that process in itself will be a bitch. All the other bridges over the willamette with the exception of the new pedestrian mass transit bridge are assumed to likely collapse, I believe, in the event of the Cascadia Subduction Quake, which there is a 40 % chance will happen in the next 50 years. Simulation shows how the Burnside bridge would also collapse onto I-5, which you are right has some elevated sections itself.
  16. Yeah, I always think about the 1989 World Series Earthquake and the highway collapse when I'm stuck in traffic on the Marquam (I-5 over the Willamette) or the Fremont (I-405) Bridge in Portland. At least there is a nice view of downtown and Hood, St Helens, etc... If there is a big Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake during rush hour, that will suck. I guess it's lucky that the 1989 Earthquake happened during the World series between the Giants and the A's so there were a lot more people off the roads watching the game.
  17. This one in Astoria always concerns me a bit. Not to mention all the bridges in Portland knowing they will pretty much all collapse when the great Cascadia Megaquake happens
  18. There was a Sirloin Stockade or something like that in my home town that once had "Try our smothered tips" on their sign in front of the resturant. I decided to get a t from somewhere and rearrange a few letters and change it to "Try our mother's tits" . Giggled for years when I would pass that spot.
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