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Everything posted by TenCarryTom

  1. If only we had Luka Doncic on our team to take the last shot.
  2. Why did I think this year was going to be different.
  3. I know he has been considered an aggy lock for a while but I don’t think anyone considers A&M rich. https://twitter.com/thebobbytaylor/status/1363577151870664707?s=21
  4. That’s a good one. But I’m not making a new account. I fucked up but not gonna be a bitch and make a different account.
  5. Well I wasn’t fucking right. Neg me all the fuck you want cause I deserve it.
  6. No. That’s why I said I have no sources just a weird feeling. If I’m somehow right im a genius. If I’m wrong I’m a dumbass
  7. Only reason I said 6 is because that’s when he posted the hour glass yesterday on twitter.
  8. I’m not saying I have sources of anything but I have a weird feeling that Campbell might commit today around 6. This is just a guess so don’t hold me to it if he doesn’t.
  9. Some random on 247 just said to watch for a commitment tomorrow afternoon. Probably BS but you never know.
  10. Completely agree. He is barely using his legs and is throwing darts. I think he is going to prove a lot of people wrong this year.
  11. Anyone know if and when his team plays again this weekend?
  12. Bases loaded and three strikeouts. That’s terrible hitting
  13. No idea what his scouting report is but most say he is better at baseball than football. He is on one of the the best travel teams in the country.
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