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Everything posted by SarksJuggs

  1. Wish sark would put up 80 on these weirdos and then tell Traylor to suck his dick when they shake hands.
  2. At least they lost with white helmets and a painted end zone
  3. Weigman INT to seal the loss would feed families
  4. Reeks of Aggy portraying this as Elko’s first big win over Sark
  5. aggy reporter saying this is borderline erotic. He quickly deleted it after his followers started crying.
  6. So not only did they give in to that gaping pussy AD in CS….they’re making us go back to Fayetteville AND play Georgia in year 1?
  7. Thompson, Niblett, Cook, Moore…offense is going to be a track meet.
  8. Can’t get over how garbage their class really is lmfao.
  9. Not to brag or anything lmao. Let’s gooooo!!!!
  10. Pretty awesome this dude honored his recruitment throughout the whole process. Remember people always assuming he’d flip to LSU/Bama at some point, and aggy was confident when they got a visit. But fuck it, heck of a job holding on to Derek.
  11. This immediate eligibility after transferring is the dumbest shit to ever happen to College Football.
  12. Brenen Thompson and Agiye liked. Tweeting at our current players because they’re in such a shitty spot. How ironic to think this is demeaning our current receding core when Jimbo’s whole recruiting pitch is “you’re the missing piece, we need you.” fucking losers.
  13. I’d personally pay every dollar in my account for us to get the fuck out of this conference tomorrow. (It’s not a lot)
  14. Worthy needs to fight for a ball man. He could at least get a bogus pass interference or something if he’d just try..
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