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Everything posted by 66BUFF

  1. He has said that he wants 40% portal, 40% grad transfers and 20% high school.
  2. I went up for the husker game. 10am was not bad. Still get to catch all the afternoon games.
  3. SEC ready? We do touch borders with Oklahoma.🙂
  4. Correct. Most of the real talent left after the 2021 season. All he did in that meet was challenge them and some chose to bolt and 10 survived. The starting safety Trevor Woods (from Katy, TX) was one of the 10 and had a pick in the endzone against TCU
  5. Price was a little higher on my season tickets
  6. There is no I in team but there is an I in Deion.🙂
  7. Or Boston. Will: Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, and Brian.
  8. He looks like he went to a private club that requires a jacket and he got the loaner from the closet.
  9. Chamberlain, you could hold his head in the toilet, he'd still give you half of Europe.
  10. Damn shame there is no Joes team. Is that his Jimmie hat?
  11. Def Leppard opened up for Billy Squier in Denver in 1983
  12. And then you feel sumpin' down by your feet.It's me, it's JB, I'm suckin' upon your toes.We don't mind sucking on toes!Good luck finding a boyfriend who sucks toe, ow!Havin' sex with me and KG,Now you're talkin' double team supreme.
  13. 66BUFF


    Just finished season 4. Damn good show.
  14. 69Gerad Christian-Lichtenhan Position Offensive Tackle Height 6-10 Weight 315
  15. CU wore this helmet for 1 game in 2013
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