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Everything posted by 66BUFF

  1. Gary Barnett. He was at Northwestern when they hired Mack.
  2. does anybody like that asshole??
  3. Aggy prefers Standarten Fuhrer
  4. Fuhgeddaboudit!
  5. Should have called the Texans the Drillers and used the old Oilers colors and tell Bud to fuck off.
  6. 70's with OU? That is last team I remember running a true wishbone winning it all.
  7. watched the whole season. I liked it. They have a new show that just started called Godfather of Harlem about Bumpy Johnson starring Forrest Whitaker.
  8. Looks like meat's back on the menu, Boys!
  9. This is just Ware vs Klingler repeated. The voters back then could see that it was system vs player and both of them proved it was system once they hit the NFL.
  10. Pretty sure if 1 twin gets accepted they will admit the other twin. My wife read this somewhere on the UT site
  11. can't be more than 114
  12. This. Major assholes.
  13. anywhere from 6-6 to 8-4
  14. Cock rock
  15. Cajuns? They will eat anything. Just have to make a roux.
  16. Buffs win 34-31
  17. Dan Hawkins and his smurf kid at QB
  18. Confused? You wont be after this episode of SOAP!
  19. Shawn Watson ran this at CU. Guess he went to a GDGD seminar.
  20. More of the Hap and Leonard books Would still love to see someone make a show using the Travis McGee books
  21. Pretty sure that Air Force would beat the nubs
  22. Welcome to the party pal!
  23. afa wins
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