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Everything posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. Yeah and luckily we are bringing in EIGHT more of them! Out of those 8 you are banking that 2 are ready to play right now and 3 if you're lucky. Assuming that you made good evals, its's really not too big of a risk.
  2. If neyor is leaving because he’s scared to compete then he’s exactly the type of entitled player that we don’t need
  3. He was enrolled at Tennessee too, he would be ineligible at UF because of that
  4. Yeah there's no way that a Randle commitment hurts with Arch, that'd just be another feather in our cap.
  5. Saban called him one of the most explosive players on his roster. The questioning of his speed is silly.
  6. A 7-5 floor sounds about right. This is the most talented offense that we’ve had in a really long time
  7. We have our second scrimmage today so there should be tons of news and notes
  8. They were tired and the session is called “fastball” this may have been a two minute drill portion of practice.
  9. Either Cole Hutson is a baller or our incumbent guys are asscheeks.
  10. If we get Hall we’d have as much offensive firepower as anyone. I’ve seen more done with less. BlowU won this conference every year with shit on a stick defensively.
  11. Lol it’s not like there’s a salary cap or anything. Teams are always trying to improve. It’s CFB dude, everyone is doing everything they can to win— tanking does absolutely nothing for you.
  12. We sure are recruiting SEC looking dudes. Keep stackin em in the trenches.
  13. Good for him. Maybe we hard an old TCU assistant to replace him.
  14. Internet jokes galore, maybe they should do a video on the Aggy trophy room
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