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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 8 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Overshown wasn't which happens to be the case with everyone Todd Orlando coaches. 

    But if Patterson is coming here I would think the DBs are about to get a lot better (especially safety where Patterson coached before becoming a HC) 

    Patterson may be unlikely now. IT said yesterday that if it was gonna happen it would be announced before the games


  2. 1 minute ago, victory88 said:

    He regressed this year.  Honestly, we made a mistake not retaining Hutzler.  He really had DMO playing at a high level with week to week improvement.  He even got Juwan Mitchell to play as well as he could given he was a head case.  Choate fucking sucks.

    I’m also not sure PK is utilizing him to his strengths. 

    OR Demarvion missed all of last offseason, failed to get stronger, came into camp out of shape, and missed crucial reps in the spring which caused him to be behind the curve in learning a new defensive scheme.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. Just now, hook me said:

    Go to TTU under a first year HC w/ little to no talent around you & you can be just like Mahomes... who didn't win shit in Lubbock even with one of the better offensive coaches in the country as his HC. Is that the pitch? Even with his former HS coach that seems pretty weak.

    Yes its hard to envision Ewers leaving Ohio State for Tech but this has been an insane offseason thus far and Texas is in a spell, I wouldn't be shocked 

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