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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 3 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Rattler is not good. Going from shit to slightly better shit isn't going to fix anything. 

    Not to mention he's a huge mental case that will cause all types of problems on the roster. He's the exact type player that Sark should be running off on the current roster. 

    Slightly better shit is a bad take. hes a good college QB and better than what we have. He can sling it.


  2. Kevin Sumlin was a career WR coach, known as a great recruiter, and is close friends with Sark. Sumlin and Tee Martin are guys I think we should pay attention to should the WR coach job open up. Sumlin is a bum of a HC but I wouldn't mind him coaching WR's, certainly an upgrade over Coleman.

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