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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. This is glorious. OU will struggle, they aren't as talented as most think and their identity was Excellent Skill guys, Great OL play, Great Qb play, to pair with a dynamic scheme and great play calling. They now have to create an entirely new identity this is going to take time. Texas needs to capitalize, Sark all of a sudden is now the best offensive mind in the conference. This is the best chance that we've had in the last 10 years to get this thing flipped.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. 2 minutes ago, Jester said:

    You're right.  One coached offense, this one coaches defense.

    The lack of adjustments throughout a shit season is/was evident in both PK and Watson.  Arguments in favor of PK seem to be based on the fact that Joseph and PK aren't a 'fit'.  Let's give that argument some credence.  What could PK possibly have done?  Oh, I don't know.  Maybe PK should have fucking given Joseph his marching orders and made him play a single high safety like you guys insist PK wants to do?  Then if Joseph couldn't get it done he gets the ax.  Simple.  People would be hard pressed to blame that on PK.  However, PK didn't do that.  He ran two high safeties all year.  Are you insinuating that PK let Joseph dictate his scheme?  That's fucking laughable and fireable on its own.

    So because the hires underneath PK aren't getting the job done PK deserves more time?  Am I understanding that stance correctly?  Let's see how that argument plays in a few years if Sark has to raise it.

    Yeah im not a fan of that argument either. PK is the coordinator, so it's his job to make it all fit. He is the one that makes the defensive calls and gameplans. The idea of bringing in one of his secondary guys is probably to help him adjust better in game. I remember Tim Beck in a press conference once saying that year one our offense sucked and couldn't make any adjustments because he had never worked with anyone on staff before, so they couldn't communicate the way they needed to. Year two things got a little better in that regard, but as we saw it ultimately did not work out. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    Our OL is definitely improving.  A good qb will make them look even better.  Not saying our OL is Bama but if we can get a guy that can follow then progressions the way Sark wants and get the ball out in time without panicking, we will look even better.

    Yeah if Flood is worth his salary the OL should be noticeably better next year. A lot of guys are returning with a lot of experience. S&C this winter is so important for this program.

  4. Rod Babers said this and I agree. With the returning skill guys and an improvement at QB, Texas has a shot to be one of the truly elite offenses in CFB. The quicker that Sark embraces and realizes that the better off we will be. Sark wants to play complementary ball but he needs to go try to hang 70 every game.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:


    This isn’t Charlie Strong bringing along a bunch of has-beens, or Herman bringing his G5 squad - each of these guys, save Gideon, has a track record of success in the P5.

    I just can’t see Sark thinking that major staff turnover is going to help. 

    I think he also hires a crap ton of analyst. Id be shocked if we didn't raid the USC and UW support staffs

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    Yes because that’s what we need to be focused on. Nvm that with all of the Texas talent on our roster, the top contributors were all from out of state. Tell me more about how we need to lock down dfw. Jackass

    Thats the legit reason why programs want Samples. Many of our top targets including Stewart, Neto, Campbell, and Williams are from DFW. As well as a plethora of 23's, jackass.

  7. Just now, SydneyCarton said:

    Or you could stop posting absurd shit. People would go back to not noticing you. I don’t think folks remembering stupid shit you post and tossing it back in your face qualifies as “on your jock” but, well, you do seem delusional so I guess believe what you want. You will regardless. 

    I acknowledged that I was wrong 15 minutes after I said it but go off. You are on my jock for coming on another thread to attack me for something that happened days ago and being a douche. Do what makes you happy man. You're delusional for thinking I care if you notice me or not. Block me or put me on ignore, idgaf.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Coelenterate Fuccboi said:

    I get Samples appears to be a great in-state recruiter, but outside of that, I don’t get the multiple year circle-jerk around here for this guy. I choose to believe there are nationally relevant, proven WR coaches we can throw money at before settling for him.

    I think its the potential for locking down DFW which is something that he uniquely offers.

  9. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    You mean surfing surly after multiple days of driving for thanksgiving and back from the game in Austin today with my family? While my kiddo watches TV? Yeah, this feels great. Whatre you, 25 to be trying to shame someone for their Friday night activity? 

    That explains a lot, actually. 

    nah you're just all on my jock and I assumed you had better things to do. But you don't. 

    That explains a lot, actually.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:


    He's no rainmaker, but he has a good reputation. 

    1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Shocked he was mentioned ahead of tim brewster. Sure you don’t want to move banks to CB coach to make room for Timbo?

    Slow Friday night huh? Hope you find the fun you're looking for

  11. 10 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    So with Samples seemingly TCU-bound, who do we target for WR coach if Coleman is indeed let go? Off the top of my head I'd go:

    Dennis Simmons (only possible if Lincoln goes to LSU)

    See if Holmon Wiggins has any interest in a reunion after a year with BOB

    Mickey Joseph (obv only if Terry is retained)

    Keary Colbert

    Emmett Jones

    Can everyone's favorite Tim Brewster coach WRs?


    Billy Gonzalez from UF needs a job

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