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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 4 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    There is truth to both sides. PK has a great resume as a DC. Arguing anything less is just stupid. He has also put the car into the ditch in his first season. Something is wrong with the current configuration. I also think the talent is way down, but not to the the extent that warrants this seasons results. Either PK faked his way through almost 2 decades of coaching or the current defensive coaches just dont see eye to eye and that is why everything looks like a shit sandwich. That leaves Sark with 2 choices. Admit he screwed up and cut bait with PK. Admit he made a mistake by filling out the defensive staff before hiring PK and cut bait with the position coaches, letting PK bring in coaches he trusts. I think either one is a reasonable choice at this time, the only thing that isnt logical is for Sark to throw his hands up, keep everything status quo, and just play it off like it is simply a lack of talent. 

    If you can cut bait without losing all these defensive recruits, then you do it. If not, then I think it gets a little tricky. You cant afford to lose quality incoming talent year one. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, Big Woodrows said:

    Interesting note from IT regarding Jordan Nabors - seems noteworthy that they are openly speculating as to the effect Coleman's termination would have on recruits 

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    Another factor to keep an eye on in the Nabors recruitment is that his primary relationship is with WR coach Andre Coleman. As IT mentioned on Monday in the scoop there will likely be a coaching shuffle of some degree and if Coleman ends up out at Texas, that ripple effect could see Nabors wind up sticking in Waco or even heading west to Lubbock.


    Yeah he gone

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    I'm sure it's been mentioned on here already IT has been hinting for a while that the personnel department will be getting some new faces. Hopefully they are expanding that department and not just swapping out people.

    TFB said earlier this month that support staff was going to see a lot of movement. I bet sark had a multi year plan for building the support staff. That's not really something that you can complete in one offseason.

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