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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    On the list of things that need to be fixed, the DB play was not glaring, and you could argue that Cook and Dunn have developed well this season. I would be very surprised if they canned Joseph at this point. I think the main guy on the list that needs to be switched out is Coleman. He was only hired after Sark struck out on a few other WR coaches and his recruiting this year has been shit. Getting curb stomped by SMU and a pedestrian aggy offense after having a freshman all american is unacceptable to go along with guys not being able to separate and dropping passes.  

    If PK stays, Choate and Davis are definitely safe. Gideon or Joseph would be the odd man out. Gideon's youth, recruiting wins this cycle, and status as a letterman give him a leg up.

  2. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    A) I'm regularly wrong and mocked on this board and others without repercussion. It's a jellyfish tactic to show up for an argument and open with "I can win this conversation legitimately because you have your hand on the scales." Either engage in the spirit of an open discussion, or keep that bullshit to yourself. 

    B) You were equivocating for both Sarkisian and Kwiatkowski. You know how we know that? Because you attempted to present any sort of defense for Kwiatkowski at this point. It's laughable. At a minimum, the guy needs to go so Sarkisian can have a fucking excuse for hanging around.

    C) I've defended noobs showing up here and I've defended people trying to engage even when I disagreed with their views. Stop whining about the tone of the board and engage with your points or fuck off.

    D) Does something need to be rebuilt from the ground up? Maybe. Does Herbstreit offering that in the context of it being Sarkisian's cross to bear give the concept merit? No. That's a dude defending his guy, nothing else. Herbstreit has shown quite clearly how he feels about Texas on a regular basis dating back almost 2 decades. The fucking guy picked Texas ATM to win the Big 12 in 2005 and called Texas soft and overrated on multiple occasions leading into that season. He touted Reggie McNeal over Vince Young ahead of that season. Let's not even feign an attempt to hold that fucking guy's take as something clearheaded. Goddammit. 

    E) I've walked you and others through why you're wrong. It gets old. That you and others insist on continuing to show up with sunshine lacking facts or data does not merit thoughtfulness in replying. There is a litany of posts on this site walking you through the folly of this hire and why it's now hopeless. Read up or get fucked, your choice. Just casting out there "he needs time!" as a plea is the emotional posting happening here, dude.

    Point E is a good one maybe I can be too hopeful or naive at times. I guess I just don't like being miserable and I typically look for some ray of hope. I may be wrong in that regard.

    There has been tons of data shared on coaches who took over programs and won less games in year one, only to drastically improve in year two. Mich St, Baylor, Cincinnati, Iowa st, Miss st, Ole Miss are recent examples that immediately come to mind. 

    Kwiatkowski does not deserve to return next year ive never defended his merit, it has been about the trajectory of the program and its sustainability. 

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