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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:


    Watching @RaysBoomBoomRoom equivocating for such things as keeping Kwiatkowski and reinforcing his role by bringing in his buddy became so nauseous on this thread that I just started negging the dumbfuck. If you read this thread and others like it and wish for it not to become some pollyanna-ish sunshine-pumping apology porn thread for this loser of a HC and his merry band of fuckups, I suggest sharpening the neg-axe as well. I’ve seen boards go sideways when a “liked” coach starts failing and the apologists can’t comprehend it. It becomes insufferable and takes months to clean up. 

    In short, fuck any of you mincy twits showing up to this thread to defend what’s happening and offer Kirk fucking Herbstreit’s view up as some sort of legitimate guiding light. 

    I am not going to sit here and argue with you back and forth because I've seen how that goes since you are the most important person on this board and the de facto guy in charge who has the perfect opinion about everything and you are so smart that I would hate to get on your bad side.

    With that being said, I just wanna defend myself by saying that am not equivocating for PK, nor do I think in normal circumstances he should return next year. My position is that it is not helpful in generating any future success to change defensive schemes for a 4th straight year thats just dumb man, especially if we have a shot to get a legit proven commodity like Lake to come and help it all fit together. I am not a Sark fan, I am a Texas fan. For that reason, I'm hoping that he can get things figured out. and like I mentioned yesterday, this is nothing new, Kansas should have beaten us the last time they came to DKR. This is who we are, it's been 12 years, we need to tear this thing all the way down and build it up the right way with a clear vision and not a bunch of mismatch parts who were brought in under different philosophies and for different schemes.

    The Ad Hominem logical fallacy is to attack a persons character instead of their argument, I'm no fan of Herbstreit either but he is right in this specific case, rebuilding takes time(at least more than a year lmao). If you disagree that rebuilding takes time then I don't know what to tell you. I understand that you are an emotional poster but sometimes its helpful to engage with opinions that are not your own. Engaging with other's opinions does not mean bullying and silencing so that you can only hear your own voice, but actually explaining why a person is wrong.  Sark may not end up being the guy, but we don't know that after 10 games don't be ridiculous, we suck right now but firing entire staffs every year will lead to sucking forever. We just lost to freaking Kansas, this position may not be popular or what we wanna hear right now but that doesn't mean its not true.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, FreeHorn said:

    I want PK gone, but if we are keeping him we have to pay whatever it takes to get Lake. He would help tie the backend of our defense together with the front seven, knows the system and is willing to spit fire or slap a kid around if needed. We need some tough coaches to counter Sark and PK’s laid back attitudes. 

    Keeping Pk and pairing him with lake is what's best for the program. No real question about that, Lake will be the most sought after DC on the market. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    I would sure think we'll try. Now that they've had that year (sorta) off, maybe she'd reconsider. Although this job looks less attractive now.

    Definitely think we need a DC that brings some fire and intensity to the program.

    its more likely that we fire some position coaches than firing PK, sadly. His reputation might give him another year but the leash will be short

  4. Just now, Tex-19 said:

    Well I agree that it will take time to tear down and build it back up. I'm not as confident in having the right guy. Hopefully he's right.

    I haven't been bothered by sarks in game coaching decisions like going for it vs punting ect. Only egregious one was the fake punt vs Baylor. His offense is also really good. We all know about our OL and who our QB is and the fact that we only have one legit WR. What sark has done with that group has been impressive to me. Story of his tenure will be if he has the balls to shake up the defensive staff

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  5. 1 minute ago, Chopper said:

    What has Sark done this year, or ever, to make you believe he's capable of that? I get not wanting to fire another coach but when there's rot you've gotta cut it out.

    No Im gonna let him get his guys and give him a chance to right the ship. His only croot is our best player. You people are acting so disgusted like this is so unbelievable when we needed a last second FG to beat Kansas the last time they came here. 

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  6. We should’ve lost the last time we played Kansas too, good thing we had Dicker. Don’t act like you’ve never seen this before. We have sucked for a while now guys. The Last three coaching staffs have let Kansas dick them. Maybe this is who we are.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Chopper said:

    You do realize we currently have stage 4 lung cancer?

    No we don’t. We have a soft ass team and a weak culture that needs to be changed. Firing every swinging dick that walks through the door ain’t gonna solve our problems. We are stuck with sark for better or for worse and your options are either to support the team or stop caring. This is where we are

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    The only argument I hear for keeping Sark is from people who believe in the sunk-cost fallacy.

    He's gotta go and we need to hire someone young, hungry and competent who can build a program, preach patience, and who is well-connected and respected in Texas. Traylor would be perfect.

    Firing sark is a non starter if we do that you might as well kill the program. That’d be the equivalent of the death penalty. We are wasting our time even considering that. The fact that a coach is on the hot seat after 10 games makes this job so unattractive. if you were a top young coach would you take this job?

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