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Posts posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. 21 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    The old bringing in the self scouter to make it look like we are trying to do something....I call BS as they should already have had someone self scouting from the first game.  If it is true they haven't been then I'm not sure what to say.  I can't believe Sark would be that incompetent.

    If we did hire someone I think we already know the name of the "self scouter".....His first name begins and ends with the same letter.


    Just thought of another name, perhaps Kevin Steele?

  2. having played college football I can tell you that culture is ll about the guys in the lockerroom holding each other accountable. when you work hard and overcome adversity in the offseason, winning becomes the expectation and something that can be repeated over and over agin once you know what it takes and what it looks like. We fought each other often because the desire to win made us give everything in practice to the point tat the games were kinda easy

    • Hook 'Em 7
  3. 4 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    Wonder if Sark would consider his buddy Margin Hooks. Trains a lot of top WRs right now and clearly has some sort of ability to "recruit" those guys to his training services. 

    Would imagine that'd be a huge raise for Hooks. No idea if he's ever been a real coach though.

    I know hooks. he aint interested in coaching. He makes a ton of $$ training tax-free 

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