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  1. My understating with Kirkland is that his top 5 all like him as a prospect but they have tired of the games he has played during his recruitment. I understand that while the top 5 would of taken his commitment at one time they have tired of his games and are no longer actively pursuing his commitment. I expect the pick to be Texas tonight in some sort of over dramatized selection process, but will be surprised if there are not a few more turns in this recruitment.
  2. Is that south Austin’s mom
  3. I might be in the minority here but I think venables will do well the first couple years at ou as long as he can get a even half way competent defense. The offense will be okay for 1-2 years with what is there, if he does not come out hot in first couple of years it will be very similar to Herman I think. Lots of talk little results.
  4. That is what she said.
  5. How sweet would it be if ou and Texas said no we want to wait till 2025 to screw over the big 12
  6. The qb transfer from penn state is a walk on.
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