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  1. I suspect a refrigerant leak in our upstairs unit. I have HVAC coming on Wednesday for service. We have had the unit off and have been staying downstairs. Just went upstairs to grab something and the whole upstairs looks foggy/hazy. Turned the fan to on and noticed some coming from the vents. Is this dangerous? Is it due to difference in temperature upstairs, 84, and downstairs, 74?
  2. Is he or did you just add this because, fuck it, why not?
  3. How the fuck do you not make that tackle? FUck!
  4. Playclock not at 0?
  5. Fuck me.
  6. Hudson is fighting, but you gotta try something else.
  7. Redzone turtling on Offense gonna fuck us.
  8. Throw it into the fucking endzone.
  9. Throw the fucking ball Card!
  10. Get off your receiver when he crosses the line. Dammit.
  11. I'm scared to death of a FG attempt.
  12. I fucking knew he was gonna miss that. Fuck it all!
  13. He doesn't trust Card at all.
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