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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by OnAComputer

  1. They do this every year. There is a big explosion of national offers to kids who are obviously really fucking good.
  2. Going through my notifications cuz I'm bored. Want to bump this because it's 100% accurate.
  3. I think Will Baizer is worth a follow edit: beetle juice
  4. Roach is a good dude. He's always been kind to me and has never given me a reason to dislike him. He's one of the more likable guys in that business. Also, hosting a podcasting is a lot harder than being the cohost, and he does a good job of it. You're not always having to think of how to transition, what everything sounds like, how much time you need to spend on a certain topic before it starts to get boring, and other shit. It's also not what he spends the most time on either. And a reminder that he's really only been doing this professionally for like... 3 years? DT is an awesome dude. Love having his knowledge about what goes on behind the scenes on and off the field. 350pennies
  5. 45 minute long interview with Jackson Jeffcoat. Worth a listen. https://hornscast.podbean.com/e/4th-and-5-jackson-jeffcoat-interview-and-finishing-out-2020/
  6. Hey y'all. Myself and CuppyCup on twitter have been working on this podcast for the past couple months. Bunch of funny people and comedians playing a scary RPG. Well worth the listen! Apple Podcasts: https://slayed.me/apple Spotify: http://slayed.me/spotify Google Play: https://slayed.me/google Stitcher: https://slayed.me/stitcher
  7. So where is the thread about Taylor Hamm? This one seems to be about a crazy old lady.
  8. They were mad he picked Texas over Utah
  9. Just a heads up, I believe the show was Triple M Ranch, because he went on Dec 11th at around 3:30pm Any internet sleuths out there who can find that episode?
  10. Kyle Shanahan is coming home yall
  11. Every man has their guy they fall in love with. Like on Pretend We're Football, Tim Preston fell in love with Matt Coleman. The guys who I fall in love with never seem to end up at Texas though...
  12. I'm not sure what Darius means, but I'm guessing he's projecting. However, he told me that Quentin was decommitting when we started the show. He's got his sources of info.
  13. Celebrating an injury is a bad look https://texags.com/s/34619/he-knocked-out-colt-mccoy-but-does-he-love-am-michael-bennett-sets-the-record-straight
  14. The article is still up https://texags.com/s/34619/he-knocked-out-colt-mccoy-but-does-he-love-am-michael-bennett-sets-the-record-straight For those that want to see the tweet
  15. Darius Terrell https://texassports.com/sports/football/roster/darius-terrell/3576
  16. I admit. I am bad with names. Sue me.
  17. I know you're kidding, but in business, the one who thinks they won 10 years ago has already lost, which makes that even funnier.
  18. Site Wars sustain me.
  19. Now is your chance
  20. Agree with a lot of this. Sounds like you get the gist. Especially with the adding diversity and adding a new coach to LBs,.
  21. Had Quandre Diggs on the podcast to talk about his trade, his time at Texas, and the current team https://open.spotify.com/episode/5HNbnlmX7dQcuixu5H0mod?si=7I2Lrg94QdGBi3ljSo080w https://hornscast.podbean.com/e/4th-and-5-quandre-diggs-interview-and-kansas-state-review/
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