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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. @Rimbo please tell us how we need to seek common ground.
  2. If you want to see a clear explanation of how the Dems lose elections, watch how they fuck this up.
  3. The issue is that it's much more innocuous. My wife and I went to get lunch yesterday and the guy in front of us had a fucking 3% sticker in their truck. That's essentially a terrorist organization, but nobody bats an eye.
  4. Why can't this fucking disease take out more than one Trumpist fucktard?
  5. Hey @Johnny Sack - do you want to take this one since you have posted this in the past?
  6. Wait, is @Zavala full of shit?
  7. Is this a bit or are you developmentally challenged?
  8. The house was called 2 hours ago, you fucking moron.
  9. I was typing the same thing, but I decided it wasn't worth it. If @GRHorn wants to say "precedent aside, fuck it" about ACB, then he has to acknowledge that a reaction should be coming if the Ds win everything. It's either extremely disingenuous or he's a complete idiot.
  10. Likely the DT Covid denier thread.
  11. Here you go - https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-10-02/spikes-electric-fences-and-alligators-heres-what-trump-reportedly-suggested-at-the-border
  12. He's not "sober". His posts don't "make sense". He seems "crazy" - Ttom, probably.
  13. Or "why I, as a Trumpkin, am too scared to defend my shitty vote".
  14. That's really clever as well.
  15. No flag!
  16. Fuck
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