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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. Hey bag of hammers - you seem to have missed RV’s post.
  2. Is he not Rex Kramer? I was under the impression that's who he was, but I could be wrong.
  3. He has always been adamant about the “10 movies” thing, but I really hope he doesn’t hang it up after one more. The difference between a good Marvel movie and what he does is striking and his voice is something that Hollywood absolutely needs. That said, we got the Joker preview and then Queen and Slim, and those looked great.
  4. I think it’s peak QT. The cinematography and writing were amazing and the historical revisionism is what he does these days, if Pitt doesn’t get an Oscar nod, it’s a joke. He has never been better in anything. There are complaints about Margot Robbie’s dialogue, but this movie is short on dialogue and she conveys so much with her face. It’s not Pulp Fiction, but it’s a masterpiece.
  5. "Hey, what do you want from me?"
  6. Always nice to see the hot takes of BagofHammers. It’s comforting to know that he’s as unaware of the process of primaries as everything else.
  7. It depends what you mean by degree. I assume he “graduated” from KState.
  8. Sure, keep on digging, hoss.
  9. Simple indeed- there go sit ins, marches, and basically all civil disobedience. Only a true simpleton would completely miss the more broad implications here...
  10. Gosh, you got pantsed two nights in a row...it’s almost like you are a fucking idiot.
  11. Submitted without comment.
  12. Luckily, you only have circumstantial evidence for that number and that doesn't count, you fucking moron.
  13. Wait - does this mean we can behead people who act like assholes on Twitter? If so, I have at least one suggestion...
  14. Nope - as the right-wing thought leader Rush Limbaugh used to say, words mean things.
  15. Yeah, Tito'sTom, you don't get to make up your own facts. The version available is still redacted. The Dems are "boycotting" it until they can see the full report and underlying evidence.
  16. Nm- redacted.
  17. I saw them last year and it was a great show. They seem to get lost in the discussion of best 90s band, but to me, they are up there in the top tier of 90s artists.
  18. Well, that was a goat fuck.
  19. That or baba-booey.
  20. 10 episodes of potential obstruction - nothing to see here!
  21. Yeah, to the 1850s.
  22. "I think it's Peppermint"
  23. Look, it’s not our fault that thought leaders like Will, Buckley, Kemp, etc. were replaced by Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and the My Pillow guy.
  24. VRHorn

    Gun Control

    Duh, chainsaws...
  25. Did he settle or was that his ceiling?
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