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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. Well, that was easy.
  2. I was going to say Skeets Nehemiah.
  3. Oh good, GR/Immaculate is back in the CR. The clock is ticking on this handle now.
  4. Do you have a VIN yet? That's when you know you're super close.
  5. I mean, even the link @Anastasis posted says this: But what happens in the 1970s is, first of all, with the passing of Roe v. Wade, you see a spike in the number of abortions. And that causes many Americans, not just evangelicals, to kind of rethink is this what we wanted? But I think more importantly, you have the rise of second-wave feminism and, in conservative, white, evangelical spaces, a real backlash against feminism.
  6. VRHorn


    You might look at the polling around the items in the bill that was passed. Of course, you might not as well. This bill is so far from the "Green New Deal" it's hilarious, but feel free to regurgitate those Fox News talking points, you simpleton.
  7. Hilarious... https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/boston-childrens-hospital-warns-employees-far-right-online-harassment-rcna43376
  8. There will be a separate vote for insulin pricing, I believe. That should make it clear who is to blame for the current pricing.
  9. Didn't mention bombing brown people - C-.
  10. The whole "we must respect norms and decorum" crowd is going to be the death of us all. They are also completely exhausting at this point because no amount of evidence can shake them.
  11. Getting some Immaculate Vibes off of this @Humble Beast guy...
  12. It's the lack in power generation from wind that is the main issue.
  13. Not talking about you, but that statement is demonstrably false around here.
  14. I mean, he's right about executing treasonous assholes, but he's a little off on the rest.
  15. Honest question - do you think the stock market is the economy? Actually, this isn't the place for this discussion.
  16. @clapclapclap are you too much of a child to respond to this?? We've always had the impression you were a big, strong, John Wayne man. Alternately, maybe you're just a little, bitchy child.
  17. You're wrong, but thanks for sharing.
  18. Imagine being such a fucking idiot that you would feel compelled to post this.
  19. Agree with everything, but particularly this. When I said "mess" I meant from an electability perspective (which is the most urgent concern) rather than a capability perspective. Biden is pretty much who we thought he was (minus losing some speed on his fastball) and the world he inherited is doing him no favors. Whether it's Trump or DeSantis in 2024, the D's have a lot of soul-searching to do, and as we all know, strategic thinking isn't their strong suit (or rather, being able to convey that thinking to the public) and I don't know what they will end up doing. The fact that people are blaming Biden alone for inflation and energy prices shows how completely fucker we are.
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