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Posts posted by NaTeWHO

  1. Wife and I are really enjoying this. More than expected. You can see some of yourself in each character and we've grown to appreciate/relate to each of them. For the moment, it has our attention and we anxiously await the next episode.

  2. 14 hours ago, achooloco said:

    worst case is that ...well not sure. you get it, recover but more than likely kill your very old or very young relatives if you don't adequately self quarantine? die instead? or is it still tbd?

    i'm wondering b/c it seems if it is that lethal for olds and youngs

    Everything I've seen points to it only being particularly lethal to old people, not young. If this data is correct, not one kid under 9 has died from this.

    COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:

    80+ years old
    70-79 years old
    60-69 years old
    50-59 years old
    40-49 years old
    30-39 years old
    20-29 years old
    10-19 years old
    0-9 years old
    no fatalities


    Here's another article.



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  3. Headed back from Dallas on 35 after Christmas I had my 11 month old in the back seat as well as a couple dogs in the truck. Guy in either an F250 or F350 comes flying up on me while I'm cruising 80-85. I'm in the passing lane after just passing someone in the middle lane. I start to switch lanes back to the middle after completing my pass, but he's on me too fast and uses the middle to pass me. I wait for him to go by and then switch back to the middle lane cursing him in my head.

    In front of me by about 50 yards all three lanes are occupied. Right two lanes are a pretty similar speed and left lane is an suv that just got over to pass. Passing lane was not simply driving in the lane slowly being a dick, they were going faster than each car around and was steadily overtaking the other vehicles. This was not fast enough for F?50 guy. He gets extremely close behind passing suv and starts honking and swerving onto the shoulder by the middle median. He does this a few times when on his last swerve I see some junk (looks plastic) get thrown up behind his truck. Less than a minute later, both left side tires shred and in a hurry douche is now spare can only cover one douche.

    Found a somewhat appropriate gif.


    He wasn't driving down the median like that, but he was swerving into it and instead of a cop, he blew out 2 tires.

    Here's your video embedded.


  4. 14 minutes ago, Hate said:

    That's not always the case and won't be tonight.  Some storms need the day time heating to provide "lift".  These storms have plenty of mechanisms to provide lift tonight including upper and lower air patterns going in slightly different directions, a lot of gulf moisture, and the big difference in temperature of the air masses.  These storms need to be watched all evening.


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  5. Trying to pull from what PhD has said in the past, but I think with the sun going down and loss of daytime heating, these storms should start weakening. I feel like I've heard him say that with a similar line of storms headed our way. Could be talking out of my ass.

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