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Posts posted by NaTeWHO

  1. 3 hours ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    when your boy makes it to the league and finally gets in the game.


    also, how are we still filming vertically in 2019

    My 9 month old was watching the game and lost it when the cat got on the field. It was pretty awesome.

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  2. On Monday night, my 10 year old boy (we'll call him C) went to a baseball game with some friends of ours who have 9 (J) and 6 (F) year old boys. Uninterested in F's game, C and J went to play at the playground near the fields. While there, another boy (T) began throwing rocks at my son C. C asked him to quit, but T would not, eventually getting to the point of chasing C around the playground taunting him with more rocks. T then threw dirt in C's face. When C took off his glasses to clean the dirt out of his eyes, T threw a large rock at his head from approx 20 feet away.

    C has 2 fractures in his nose, required 8 stitches for a gash above the eyebrow and has a chipped tooth. The police were called and a report written up. We spent from about 9 pm to about 2 am in the emergency room. T and his parents are known.

    T is thought to be about the same age (10 years old) as C. Apparently this isn't the first incident with T. So much so that the dad of the J and F, who took C to the baseball fields with them, had previously been hit in the face with a baseball thrown by T. He also mentioned that just about every time J is around T, there is some kind of incident.

    My question is what can be done about this? We don't feel like we should be responsible for these medical bills. After the emergency room, we are now having to see a nose specialist. We also don't want to press charges against a 10 year old boy, although it sounds like he hasn't learned his lesson and this could happen again. Should we press charges against the boy? Should that be used as a threat to get the parents to pay for this?

    We were told last night by J and F's dad, who knows T's parents, that they would be willing to help with medical bills. What exactly that means, I'm not sure. How should we move forward?

    Currently we are documenting everything we can and trying to take care of C. I plan to find out a total amount and then contact T's parents to request they pay for it. If they refuse, is there any possible path to a lawsuit to cover the damages caused by T?

    Thanks in advance.

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