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Posts posted by NaTeWHO

  1. 18 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Did I strike a nerve? 

    Are you unfamiliar with the US being a two party democratic system? 


    No, bloviating ignoramus. I give zero fucks about the content of your posts. I don't know or care what point you are trying to convey. You are a loser. An adult who communicates and thinks like a child. Better look out @DixonHur, the progressive police are here to tell you you aren't woke enough and demand you sign a pact in blood to vote for who they deem appropriate in 2020 or they'll smear you as one of those evil right wingers. Prove yourself, or be excommunicated from the church of progressivism.

    Fucking loser.

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  2. Quote
    Dr. Teeth
    Honestly, I don't care. I've been following this program for forty plus years. We've tried everything. Money whipped coaches from the nations top programs and paid them the highest salaries in football and upped them after mediocre seasons.. Built a billion dollar stadium. Changed conferences twice.

    We've never won a GD thing and we aren't ever going to.

    We're losers.

    Time to own it.


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