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Posts posted by NaTeWHO

  1. Quote

    From what we understand, the SEC defense has been ahead of the SEC offense so far this spring and that carried over to the SEC scrimmage that the two SEC units had last week. There’s been two primary reasons for that.

    -First, Jimbo is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. In the spread, A&M used athletes recruited to run that offense and who had grown up running that offense. In the West Coast, none of these guys have a fucking clue what they are doing. The terminology is also lengthier and for Aggies, understanding more than a few words at a time is borderline impossible. Second, the defense has more SEC experience and SEC depth with regard to replacing people lost from the premier in state SEC program's 2017 SEC season.

    -For the most part, quarterbacks Nick Starkel and Kellen Mond have gone back and forth this spring. One will shit the bed one day and then the other will shit the bed the next. In true cuck fashion, that’s evidenced by the fact that national championship winning SEC West head coach Jimbo "Cucklord" Fisher trotted out both players for interviews last week. A new offense that places greater emphasis on timing, moving quickly, and requiring more coordination from an athletic standpoint is going to get proper fucked because we don't have Jameis "Crablord" Winston to run it. They're all ass my dude. In addition, when things go south…missed blocks, the wrong route, the usual…Mond can run for his life. He’s also improved his delivery (bending over, hands on his knees).

    Ass my dude still has better arm talent, is more likely to hit someone down the field with pizzazz, and is more likely to snap his dick off in Candi. He had seventeen interceptions in the scrimmage but otherwise probably had the better performance. AMD had issues with turnovers in the pre season as well but overcame those problems once he returned from his injury. Mond had two nice plays. We're fucked.

    -Trayveon Williams had a long run in warmups during wind sprints but like the rest of the backs he’s learning the nuances of getting lost in the pack, not finishing first or last, and blending in with the crowd. Kendall Bussey did relatively well in warmups as he is coordinated and has been good at maintaining his balance during downward dog. Of all of the position groups, the off season workouts probably helped the running backs more than any other. Like my veiny hard cock, they’re noticeably more defined and stronger.

    -The receivers are trying to avoid being the backup to Jhamon Ausbon on one side because he’s more SEC than the SEC. He’s more SEC big, SEC physical, and SEC experienced than the other wideouts and he’s an SEC blocker, physical with strong SEC hands to steer people. Although Candi will rotate people using different positions, people don’t want to have to cuckpete with Ausbon. Clyde Chriss had a deep dick on Candi and probably had more time inside than Ausbon with the first tag team (although Hezekiah Jones had multiple penetrations in the gang bang and Camron Buckley has been as good as anyone else this spring or better). Everyone is trying to take advantage of the absence of Kendrick Rogers due to injury.

    The biggest challenge for the wideouts has been transitioning from an offense in which they grew up playing to an attack in which they have no business playing. It's going to take too much time for this transition to take place. Luckily we have 10 years.

    -The tight ends are making the same transition that the receivers are in terms of not knowing where to go or when to do it. They haven’t been asked to do things this foreign to them before such as maintain the private plane Jimbo bought after he signed his contract. The group isn't making plays and the precision is not where anyone wants it to be and again it’s going to take time for them to be as lost as the quarterbacks. A&M thinks it has something with SEC ready junior college transfer Jace Sternberger while Keynel McZeal is a fluid.

    -The offensive line is a pile of shit. They’re missing Connor Lanfear, who’s out due to injury. As with the remainder of the offense, they’re learning an old ineffective way of doing things from the ground up. Last season, the group was at its best during the second half against UCLA and in the bowl game against Wake Forest; this spring, they’re being asked to do things they aren't good at which will result in the death of our quarterbacks. As a result, they're still shitty. The best player among the first unit has been SEC center Erik McCoy, who has adapted well to the more SEC style physical brand of offense and continues to be able to play with SEC pad level and SEC hands.

    -The defensive line has got a couple of SEC good pieces in defensive tackle Kingsley Keke and end Landis Durham. Durham continues to impress people with his head, shoulders, knees, and toes (dropping to all fours or taking it from behind). Keke is demanding a double team most of the time working both spots on Candi. Justin Madubuike has come on to earn most of the time with the first unit opposite Keke with his get off. Micheal Clemons has the spot opposite Durham with his SEC athleticism. The second unit had a very nice scrimmage as well. Both groups are benefiting from the scheme in which a washed up former national championship head coach tricks some rubes into guaranteeing a 10 year 75 million dollar contract.

    -An experienced defensive line with depth means that the linebacking corps is still fucked due to neglect in recruiting. So far, Santino Marchiol has stayed healthy and on the field; as a result, the practice is slowed way down in order to wait for him to get on and off the field. Like being the smartest retard, Mike backer Tyrel Dodson remains the best of the group and makes more plays (4) than anyone else.

    -The shitty secondary benefited from ass my dude quarterbacks and wideouts last fall and spring in terms of skill players who didn’t know what the fuck they were doing as well as issues on the offensive line. Throw in the fact that the shitty secondary is a much more experienced group this spring than the guys they’re covering and we're fucked. Clifford Chattman has moved into the corner spot opposite Charles Oliver (with the absence of Debione Renfro due to injury) and his length bothers Candi who is still adapting to a new way of doing things. Safeties Derrick Tucker and Donovan Wilson have been physical and adapted well to the cucking. Deshawn Capers-Smith has emerged as the nickel in gang bang situations.

    -Finally, the kickers have been very good, as good as any unit on the team. Daniel LaCamera misses maybe one long kick a practice and Braden Mann consistently delivers long punts. We'll need it.

    A few little corrections.

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  2. I was spraying some weeds in the yard in sandals and had snek jet out from a bush and across my foot. I'm assuming it was some kind of non poisonous garden snek, but still scared the shit out of me.

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