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Certifiably Surly
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1145 Surly 10%

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  1. I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this, but it's a minor inconvenience. For some reason picture posted by @SurlyBDR load significantly slower than any other pictures on any of the boards. I'm assuming he or she is using a different hosting site, yes? The entire rest of the page will load in a flash, and his pictures take several seconds to load and won't start until I scroll down to that individual post, so threads he frequents (i.e. Dumbass Shit We See On Facebook) has pause after pause as picture after picture loads. Anybody else notice this?
  2. Can't remember seeing a thread like this, and I'm thinking it could be potentially entertaining. My recent YouTube rabbit hole adventures have lead me to @DonutOperator. He is assumedly former law enforcement out of the San Antonio area. His politics would put him at odds with the more vocal crowd in here, but his sarcastic sense of humor is spot on Surly. I have seen several references he has made in videos that sound very Surly-esque (Leeroy Jenkins, etc.). I also wonder if any of the Whiskey Tribe/Whiskey Vault gang post on here, being based in Austin and irreverent enough to fit in with this crowd. Feel free to contribute your nominations, and if anyone feels like doxxing themselves feel free!
  3. While the cause is noble, the image of the messenger detracts from its impact. Kind of like seeing a jorts wearing dude with a mullet out and about wearing Gators gear.
  4. Other than the deity component, you sound like a subscriber to Ryan McGee's newsletter. https://surlyx.com/ESPNMcGee/status/1588252838349897728 The full thread is quite entertaining.
  5. They are not wrong.
  6. My sister (no pics) and BIL absolutely LOVE them some Rosa's. They used to live in Odessa, moved to Katy and later Flower Mound. When a Rosa's opened down the road from them in Flower Mound they were practically orgasmic. Both of these people had lived in the great state of Texas their entire lives up until that point. I was born in TX and lived there until I graduated college, and haven't since. You would think my perception of good mexican or Tex Mex would have been more jaded than theirs, yet here they were spouting that is was the greatest thing EVAR. It's aight, but like you said, more on par with a Taco Cabana. SMDH.
  7. @BigDHornfan has just the cure you need right now...
  8. Tempted to neg because it's not bourbon and, quite frankly, for rubbing it in. I bet that is delicious.
  9. It's an Atlanta suburb, but it ain't Buckhead. Big income range across Lawrenceville, so their economic status could be all over the map. Unless the family is reasonably well off, how many flights would you expect two 19 year olds to have taken on their own (where they were having to handle boarding passes, etc.)? Just saying lack of experience may be why they were rocking paper tickets.
  10. 19 year old young men from Lawrenceville GA. Likely not the most experienced of travelers.
  11. So in other words they are the Tennessee of the Big Ten.
  12. Good Lord, the offseason can't end soon enough if this is what we get for uniform pron.
  13. 100% this at my paternal parents in San Angelo. Wow.
  14. Flavor Flav neck clock for you, then.
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