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Certifiably Surly
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  1. FIFY. Even more appropriate considering the brass monkey comparison.
  2. About the only way that could look any worse is if it was on @Brisketexan/s commie red bastard ass bread.
  3. Wrap it tightly in aluminum foil? Seemed like a good idea at the time...
  4. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Iceman is Slorch, Slorch is Iceman. Sorry for your loss, brother!
  5. This is the kind of wisdom I have grown to expect from Surly. Spot on.
  6. Trauma response in BFE on the gun forum not going away...
  7. Now this thread is back on track.
  8. The high thread is that way ----> Just kidding, I can kinda see it, and I'm not high. Just one generous pour of brown water in.
  9. So true. There's a reason gymnastics has a higher injury rate than football.
  10. In @Brisketexan's defense, this thread is for mash-ups made from what is available when supplies are scarce. You know that bread will be the last bread eaten in the house.
  11. I suggest you keep that little nugget to yourself in this instance...
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