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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SurlyGator

  1. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    Didn't catch this the first time. a couple of those screws look like they could have gone all the way through the humerus. If so, that could be most unpleasant. How is hubby doing?
  2. I hope you are a Garanimals guy when it comes to wardrobe selection, if you think OU and AR are maroon.
  3. ... but with more mayo, right?
  4. I have one bad ear (thanks a lot hair metal), and got one from Costco a little less than a year ago. Phillips. I am not terribly impressed. I need to check and see if any local hearing centers will allow a trial run before forking over something like $3K for one (the Phillips was $750 at Costco) to see if there is a big enough difference.
  5. "Chippies" talk on a Chuy's thread not going away...
  6. Those sneaks need to be NewBalance for peak Dad fashion...
  7. I should have known better than to even question the OG.
  8. That is a work of art. For precise scoring purposes, we need to know if that is a paper napkin or a paper towel under the Butterfinger. We will have to take off a tenth if its a napkin.
  9. Christian college, not high school. She currently goes to Brentwood High, BA's biggest public school rival.
  10. Offense and defense wearing different helmets. Dear God, this is going to become a thing now, isn't it? I need to go find a cloud to yell at.
  11. Senior daughter (no pics, ya pervs) has a 32 ACT and a 4.3 GPA and lives in an affluent zip code here in metro Nashville, so we are getting boatloads of mail from private schools. UChicago has sent her a metric fuck ton. SMU quite a bit, Cornell, Johns Hopkins. Likely either going to a Christian school or Honors program in-state.
  12. Can't speak for State Fair cotton candy bacon specifically, but if you ever get the chance to dine at Kayne Prime (pronounced Cane Prime) in Nashville, the house made bacon with maple cotton candy is a must try appetizer. It will change your life.
  13. If Amy Adams had any brain cells at all, she would give the Texans some modified rights, like to the full color scheme but not the Oilers logo, in exchange for royalties on gear sales. That way she could double dip on both Texans and Titans profiteering. I know, I will get flamed for not just purely bad-mouthing her because everyone on here hates the Adams family, but that decision seems good from both a business and a PR standpoint.
  14. I have the non-Gravy Seal version of this gun (not lite, not desert camo, no top rail). Blast to shoot. Barrel is threaded, she needs a supressor and some sub-sonic rounds for some quiet fun.
  15. That scenario has varying degrees of good and bad situations for individual schools, but holy crap would Arkansas hate that. They get Mizzou as the only school they have any history with. No other SWC schools, no other SEC schools. Ouch.
  16. Did anyone NOT see this coming when they posted that pic of the floor covered with cots? Florida karma at its finest.
  17. My apologies, I thought the comparison between Arkansas and Vanderbilt's goalpost celebrations and subsequent fundraising opportunities would have provided sufficient inference. I'll spell it out next time.
  18. Compared to Vandy, these prices sound more like a Blue Light Special than a WalMart Rollback!
  19. No clue. I work with enough anesthesia people to hand him off with total faith. Plus, this was 14 years ago. I’ve drank a lot of brown water since then. He will do fine. An otherwise healthy 5 year old is about as close to bulletproof as you can get.
  20. Maybe he needs to work in some decaf…
  21. My wife (no pics) and I were sitting in the recovery room with our 5 year old son after he had his tonsils out. He pointed at the TV and said “Look, there’s two Elmo’s!” There was only one Elmo. I said “Aww, baby’s first buzz!” Mom burst into tears. Good times.
  22. Plugged in the cable, nothing. From what I have read online the RDX didn’t get it until 2019.
  23. Dude, you are the real life embodiment of Alec Baldwin's character on Friends. I guess that is better than Alec Baldwin in Rust...
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