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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SurlyGator

  1. 4 hours ago, Native Horn said:

    To be fair, no snake is poisonous.

    I knew poisonous wasn't correct, but venomous would not come to me at the moment.  Mea culpa.

  2. They are all (potentially) bitey.  That one is not poisonous.  I still wouldn't want him camping out in the back of my mailbox.

  3. Friend from HS posted these on FB.  She lives in Fort Worth.  Yes, apparently that is her mailbox.  Apparently her husband is now in charge of mail retrieval.  No word on snek's current health status.

    Mail Snake 1.jpg

    Mail snake 2.jpg

  4. 41 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    On top of the "I don't know how many American hostages there are" but there are also the roughly 500-600 American citizens stuck in Gaza, most of whom I'm guessing are also trying to get out.

    True.  Call me a cranky old man, but I don’t have a ton of sympathy for any American hanging out a stone’s throw from Gaza.  I have even less for those actually in Gaza.  I’m sure quite a few of them were there for humanitarian reasons, but still not the wisest location choice to be benevolent (no matter how badly they need it).

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  5. 2 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    Amazing to me that Hezbollah sees what is going on in Gaza and says "Yeah, we want some of that!"


    They must have some mighty strong guarantees from Iran in order to do that.

    They don't want to miss out on all the virgins.

    • Haha 2
  6. Granted.  My post was referring to the Isreali hit on the Gaza hospital.  That is the one that would require justification.  Given Hamas' track record, their bombing an Israeli hospital doesn't seem all that surprising.

  7. Given Hamas' history of hiding military/terrorist activities in civilian structures (homes, schools, mosques, etc.), it's easy to see that hospital being one of them.  Hopefully Israel can produce some sort of documentation attesting to that, otherwise that strike will not age well.

  8. OK, I'm resurrecting this thread, because it deserves it.  After years of drinking bourbon neat or on the rocks, I have transitioned almost exclusively to OF's with the occasional Manhattan thrown in for variety.  Consistently better with rye over bourbon, and I don't see the need to pay a premium for the brown water when mixing it up.  I have been gravitating to Wild Turkey 101 Rye and Rittenhouse mostly, but Bulleit is no slouch either.

    I'm lazy (and probably heading towards scurvy), so instead of the orange peel I will do a couple of dashes of regular bitters (normally Angostura, but the last time I went to buy some they were out and I bought a cheaper "Old Fashioned" bitters and it does the trick - I'll track down the brand later if anyone cares) and two dashes of orange bitters.  Make my own simple syrup out of turbinado sugar.  Generous pours of rye.  Never disappoints.

    I'm sure I could have something that was a twinge tastier with rye at double the price and the actually expressed orange peel, but these are quick, easy and help me forget about my day.  Mission accomplished.

    I'm open to suggestions, but the quick and easy portions of the equation will likely not go away.  Fire away, Surly!

  9. It's been a hot minute since I lived in Texas, so this story prompted me to pull up Prosper on Google Maps just to see exactly where it was.  The city limit lines on Google Maps show seven distinct carve-outs excluding small areas from the city limits, and really only two of the seven are on the edge of the (otherwise) normal boundaries (three if you count the road leading to a nursery being also carved out).  How can there be that much political pull in a town that small?  Maybe the same way they are getting a $94M football stadium...

    Also, $94M?!?  North Texas' stadium opened in 2011, so not that long ago, and cost $78M per Wikipedia.  It seats just shy of 31K in its current configuration.  Just how popular are the Prosper Eagles?

  10. 14 hours ago, Superhero said:

    All is this, but a good cappuccino is hard to beat.

    The same Karens are also the ones who order cocktails at bars. At the bar, I get beer, or drinks with 2 ingredients max - gin & tonic; martini with an olive


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