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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SurlyGator

  1. There were likely multiple code browns among those directly and indirectly involved in this...
  2. I'm not that *strong* a swimmer.
  3. Dollars to donuts there's already a sub of some sort in the area to attempt to collect it.
  4. What is MSRP at TW in TX? I'll check if mine in TN has it. EDIT: $79.99 here for each
  5. I respectfully disagree (is that even allowed in here?) It was over for her almost instantly. Now, if we are talking about horrible ways to watch your significant other die, then 100%.
  6. Don't give her any ideas, dude...
  7. Dude. Unless you feel the elephant sitting on your chest, don't even think about making that appointment.
  8. Username definitely checks out.
  9. Fair point, it's not like it's on their business cards or anything. How about "opportunistic riotous enthusiasts." Happy?
  10. OK, so NOT rioting and setting public and private property ablaze, attacking civilians just because they stopped at the wrong intersection, that is NOT a good thing. Gotcha.
  11. On a silver lining note (if you can call it that), I am genuinely heartened at the lack of civil unrest associated with this incident over the past weekend. I was fearing Rodney King-esque unrest all over the place, especially considering the professional rioters that will latch on to any opportunity to unleash a little anarchy.
  12. Vitamins? Read the fine print, does it still say its out of Indiana and not Tennessee? Vitamins just screams Dickel to me, very much in a bad way.
  13. This forum need the ability to ignore posters within certain threads, so tangents could not derail for everyone.
  14. Defining a justified versus illegal use of force by law enforcement is kind of like SCOTUS defining obscenity. I know it when I see it. I saw it last night. If the rumor about the victim being involved with one of the cop's ex's, expect an upgrade to Murder One, and deservedly so.
  15. Or don’t, and bequeath that collection to surly. We would make sure it doesn’t go to waste. Kidding not kidding.
  16. Wow, thanks for the history lesson!
  17. I’ve got one. What is the origin of TCU being labeled roach? Took me a while to catch on to that one.
  18. Look, I don’t know if you read my first posts on this but I don’t give enough of a shit to argue with someone I don’t know about what I am or am not qualified to comment on. I’m never posting the proof I have that would substantiate what I said as it would get me fired, so go ahead and have your fun because it doesn’t change the facts that I know and that you and everyone else most likely never will. I said what I had to say earlier in this thread, believe it or not I don’t really give a shit. Bless your heart.
  19. Herbie's picked his hill. Time to die on it. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
  20. UC Medical Center physicians being interviewed on ESPN now. Has been awake, responding to commands and communicating vie writing (can't speak with a breathing tube in). First question was who won the game. You did, buddy. You did. Dusty up in here...
  21. Still too many unknowns to accuately analyze. Maybe the first shock was successful, maybe they had to hit him multiple times, especially if the dude had some underlying cardiac condition (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy most likely, but long Q-T, Brugada, etc., all of which, statistically, are more likely than commotio cordis). It is very possible it wasn't a quick cardioversion. This situations can hit the fan and get sideways in a hurry!
  22. Valuable addition to the discussion (wait, is that allowed on Surly?). Keep in mind that ESPN did a really good job of NOT showing what was happening with the medical team, as well they should. All we see is the first 20-ish seconds where there is clear alarm and radio communications taking place to get the needed equipment en route. Athletic Trainers essentially must assume a cervical spine injury as a possible component in situations like this, so they need to stabilize the head and neck and remove the facemask before even an ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) assessment can truly be performed. We have no clue how much time passed before CPR was initiated or how long it lasted. It is also possible that they cardioverted him temporarily, and he went back into VT or VF precipitating the need to drop the gurney back down and resumption of CPR. We don't know a heck of a lot more than we actually know right now, and deservedly so.
  23. Well, you haven't said what you do, but I would assume based on your comments that you are EMS and not part of an NFL sports medicine staff. Shitbags in EMS, no doubt, but bringing up potential medical negligence knowing what we know now is a bold strategy, Cotton.
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