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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SurlyGator

  1. Agree with stork. The chase doesn’t have the appeal that it once did, mainly because finding anything really special essentially never happens here (TN). Regulars like OGD 114 or WT 101 are strong options that are ALWAYS available (especially the WT 101) at a reasonable value.
  2. Surly slippin. I can’t believe it took this many post for the correct reply.
  3. I have nothing to add, other than seeing this thread go untouched for 4 days gives me a serious case of the sads. I just might have to have a pour tonight to lesson the pain.
  4. WhatTheBuck being gay talk not going away… You mean like that?
  5. Look at the bright side - think of all that quality time spent with trainiacs! #sarcasm
  6. Tennessee’s first WB in decades is scheduled to open in Hermitage on Wednesday. Not at all a convenient place to get to and traffic will undoubtedly be insane, but I am looking forward to having one semi-close by for the first time in decades. Studying this thread for ordering inspiration.
  7. Are you pointing out the Cheese-It heads or the two dudes on the dance team? If that is the choice, give me cheese heads any day.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/denver-shooter-lyndon-mcleod-guns-misogyny-social-media-1663930 Wow. Yeah, you would think the ‘novel’ that used his name for the killer would have set off alarm bells for someone. Local PD released a statement saying he had been ‘on their radar.’ Expect some serious scrutiny over what they knew and what they did and didn’t do as a result.
  9. Dude wrote about the ‘repression of repruditive violence.’ I guess he no longer feels repressed. Psychologically speaking, if he was walking around with that much anger bottled up inside, he was likely euphoric during that rampage. Sobering. I’ll drink to counteract that.
  10. https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2kzaTRYTUJCRjd4RnlZdlZIb2ppZ0FQAQ Surprised this isn’t in here yet. Due goes off and kills several, wounds a few more in several locations. Random nut job, welcome to America. This morning, a news report comes out saying he knew several of the victims, so not so random. This afternoon, a report says he published a ‘book’ describing doing this spree and names himself as the shooter in the book and names at least two of the victims. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
  11. No, I promise, you don’t. Besides, wouldn’t one time be one time too many?
  12. I’ve only toured BT once, Freddie was our guide. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I have prepared myself for disappointment on my next trip.
  13. Events like this bring to light the full dichotomy that is Surly. I subscribe to both catalogs.
  14. I always love the irony of “Get used to one style and yo I might switch” - and he did. Well played.
  15. No. As a moron. And it’s a bewildering before and after.
  16. SurlyGator

    It's Piss.

    Better to be pissed off than pissed on…
  17. Or did they go the Aaron Rodgers route and are 99.5% “immunized?” It is his alma mater, after all…
  18. That vid is an orthopedic surgeon’s wet dream - well, maybe his accountant’s…
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