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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SurlyGator

  1. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    Not a doctor, but none of that looks overly alarming. Now, if that is for one of your grandchildren, we might be more concerned…
  2. You are smoking crack if you think the SEC league office is dictating OOC schedules on the individual teams.
  3. USA woman just won the first US gold medal in foil fencing ever, men’s or women’s. And, as usual in my old age, its suddenly dusty in here watching the reaction of her and her coach.
  4. Now who’s being delusional? NO ONE is as cult as Aggy.
  5. You can have them. They were not a rival prior to the jump to 12 teams.
  6. Well said. I like EJ and really want him to excel. I don’t have a ton of confidence in the final result after seeing his limited performance the past couple of years.
  7. Ninja camp. Neighborhood kids decided to set up a bunch of booby traps in a vacant lot in the subdivision (Murcoland, holla!) Fishing wire trip line, dug a hole and covered it with cardboard and a little sand, chopped a small tree almost all the way through so a good shove could drop it on someone, that kind of stuff. None of the regular gang was fooled by any of them, mostly because we all helped make it. However, there was a slightly younger kid visiting his grandparents from out of town. That kid hit every one. The final scene in the ninja camp saga was when he walked under the tree where we had a metal gallon bucket at least half full of dirt with a rope tied to the handle, thrown over a high branch and up at least 20 feet. Yours truly was holding the rope. Teenager me didn’t realize I could kill this kid until just after I let go of the rope. I was able to slow it down a bit, which limited the damage to a few stitches and a knot on his noggin. I’m lucky I didn’t give him a TBI. Don’t even remember the kid’s name. So dude, if you’re out there, sorry about the head wound!
  8. SurlyGator


    … and that’s saying something!
  9. My 16 yo son wears a hoodie and shorts for weather ranging from 95 degrees down to 9 degrees.
  10. Wise choice. Dickel has the weirdest multi-vitimin aftertaste to it. Wife bought me a Breckinridge Distillery bottle in CO a couple of years ago. Took one sip, declared it Dickel and forgot all about it.
  11. C’mon, this is Surly. It was everyone’s first thought.
  12. Early reports said he fell jumping out of a hot tub and hit his head on concrete. I’m not saying I don’t trust the coroner, but that sounds much more likely than concussion trauma to his internal organs. Sounds like a whale of a mortar! Commotio cortis maybe? (Google it - nightmare fuel for parents of little league pitchers) But not if he told his teammate not to get in the ambulance. Freaky stuff!
  13. I was there same time with my 14 year old. Nice quaint little tournament with 171 courts playing simultaneously. My ears are still ringing…
  14. The laugh at the end gets me every time. A tradition like no other. Well, except the Waco Christmas lights story…
  15. I always perk up when this thread is bumped, but that one is a tad harsh for standard *boop* status…
  16. Probably another Weller variety I won’t see in person in years if ever, like the SB or the CYPB...
  17. SurlyGator


    I'm in, where's my t-shirt? One ear, non-stop, varying intensity, always the exact same very high frequency tone. Once I was at Dollywood with the fam and heard a machine whining at the exact same frequency. I asked the fam if they heard it, yes, of course. That is in my head 24-7. Minds blown.
  18. Some do, some don’t. I’m pretty sure the rules that govern those ads say if you don’t give the name of the drug, you don’t have to give the laundry list of potential side effects.
  19. Anyone who follows MedTwitter humor is probably familiar with Dr. Glaucomflecken (@DGlaucomflecken), an ophthalmologist in Oregon who makes parody videos poking fun at the medical profession. Not too long ago he had a cardiac arrest in his sleep. Lucky bastard’s wife was awakened by the sounds of his agonal breathing, called 911 and was coached through CPR by the 911 operator. Survived. While in the ICU at an in-network hospital, he was treated by an intensivist that was not in-network. Keep in mind, hospitality and intensivists are full time in-house, and he didn’t have a choice, he was not conscious. Cigna sent him the bill for the out of network charges. Being an ophthalmologist with plenty of free time, he spent hours fighting it and mocked Cigna mercilessly to his 300K+ Twitter followers. Eventually it went away, but not because Cigna paid the doc, because Cigna strong-armed the hospital to get the intensivist to eat the charges. There should be a law that hospitalists and intensivists on staff at in-network facilities are handled as in-network providers.
  20. FIFY. Anatomy and physics were not his friends that day.
  21. Nope. Assuming its just a straight change-out, and not adding or replacing any leads, it will be less. All based on the DRGs, like Sawbonz said. Don't get me wrong, the bill will still be higher than you think it should be, but not that high.
  22. Your syntax and your avatar match perfectly. Can’t help but hear this in my head in Ron Swanson’s voice.
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