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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SurlyGator

  1. 3 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    As someone who lives in an Airport flight path, I’m fairly convinced that I’ll go out by having a plane fall on me while I’m taking a shit and posting here.

    Not the best humble brag I've ever seen, but...

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    I don’t think it’s sport but is pretty cool as dance. 


    Didn't bother to watch at first, because artistic gymnastics.  But, after so many comments, I watched.  Glad I did, that was very impressive, and the fact that she represents Ukraine makes it that much more rewarding!

    • Drool 1
  3. 5 hours ago, AUinHsv said:

    About 30 years ago a diver (maybe Russian?) was killed after hitting head on platform.  That platform is insanely high. Before all sorts of legal restrictions we would go to Point Mallard which was nearby and they had a platform. No way you didn;t go off it after climbing up there in front of your friends. For no apparent reason none of us ruptured a spleen or liver hitting the water. You also quickly learned to grab your crotch.

    Yep, Russian dude.  Dead before he hit the water.  Hit your head on the springboard a la Greg Louganis and get stitches.  Hit it on the platform and get a body bag.  I remember watching a female diver go off the platform and slap her hair on the concrete.  She had SHORT hair.  I about lost my lunch.

  4. So a couple of months ago our main garage door broke.  The metal piece that went across the top of the door that the opener was attached to pulled out and ripped out several screws along the way.  I called a garage door repair guy, who took one look and said can't fix it, has to be replaced, and quoted me $1,800 for a new door and opener.  Told them I would get back to them.

    This past weekend, I got to thinking...  If all that happened was that those screws pulled out, I could probably just get the piece back in place, drill some new pilot holes and put in some new screws.  90 minutes by a rank amateur and $4.27 at Home Depot later, I once again have a fully functioning garage door with more screws now than it had before to minimize the chance of it happening again.  Shame on me for not investigating before calling a professional, but the professional can kiss right off with his quote.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  5. Same weight was never part of the discussion.  The point of the entire confusion is the weight of the water displaced.  I'm saying those two items - though they don't weigh the same - would displace the same amount of water, because they are the same volume.

  6. 5 hours ago, immamac said:

    Well since that's fucking impossible that maybe your answer. A 24k button and a 10K gold button wouldn't be the same size and volume because that's not how density works. You can't have them be the same size and shape unless one was hollow. 

    What?!?  I'm no nerdz, but I'm smart enough to know you could make an identical sized button out of both 10K gold and 24K gold.  The 24K button would weigh more, but would it displace more water?  I'm thinking no.

  7. So with the button analogy - if you weighed the displacement caused by a 10K gold button and a 24K gold button with identical size and volume measurements, the displaced weight would be different?  I can't wrap my noggin around how this would not be identical due to identical volumes.

  8. 16 hours ago, locodos said:

    Volume of 1lb of lead < Volume of 1lb of wood 


    This doesn't really correlate with the question, because wood floats.  Try this comparison:  If you suspended a golf ball with a wire fully submerged in the middle of a container of water, and then did the same thing with a piece of lead the exact same volume as the golf ball.  They would both sink.  I would think they would displace the same amount of water equivalent to their volume, but this principle would suggest that the lead would displace more.

  9. 5 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    Ruger.  All other answers are wrong.....;)

    Building a Custom 10/22 Takedown | An Official Journal Of The NRA

    Did you buy this as-is, or is this a Frankenstein job?  I'm considering a 10/22 takedown, and this one is about dead on what I would like for it to look like.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. OK, here is where my public school education fails me.  If two objects of identical volume but made from materials of different densities are submerged in water, but both are dense enough to overcome the buoyant force of the water (in other words, they both sink), would the denser of the two displace more water than the less dense object?  I need an example to wrap my brain around that one.

    This thread could quickly devolve into an "explain this to me like I'm five" exercise...

  11. GTFOH with that "She's a quitter" talk.  Vertigo makes walking down a hall difficult.  I can't imagine what it would do to a gymnast.  You can power through a lot of musculoskeletal issues, as she proved this Olympics.  Vertigo is a different animal in this sport.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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