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Posts posted by Newy25

  1. 3 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

    Nuance is probably lost on you guys, but it was pointed out by many at the time how much more stamina our players had last year than opposing teams.

    We rarely ever got cramps and we never crumpled in the 2nd half like we did under Mack and Charlie (remember the 11 point 4th qtr lead at Kansas?)

    We went 7-6 because our O line sucked and we had no real playmakers on offense. 

    That was in year one. We're now two games into year two - and one of those had a 90 minute break in the middle - so we don't have enough data to assess year two yet. The USC game will be a good test.

    As for individual players and results, remember that off-season workouts are all voluntary. Coaches can apply some kinds of pressure but ultimately it's up to players. Some apply themselves. Some don't. It shows in the fall.

    There was just an article today that Texas has blown more fourth quarter leads than any tean in the country in the last 15 games. 

    Basically, your entire conclusion is incorrect. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    So I am guessing if we beat USC tomorrow the "fire TH" crowd will be here spewing that we only won because USC just is not that good this year.

    I am not sure even sure there is an official “fire TH”crowd. Personally, my posts on this thread are me expressing my concern over serious red flags about his viability as our coach but you know what? Everything in life is dynamic.  Coaches get better and worse, just like our players and fans are certainly able to change their views with new information. 

    Saturday is a big day. I would even go far as to say a must win with the recruits we have on hand and the current state of our team. With everything on the line if we come out and beat a good opponent you bet your ass it will alleviate some of my concerns. 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, elguapo said:

    I don't think he looks like a JAG.  He looks like a QB with the necessary physical tools that has mental breakdowns in pressure situations, which shouldn't be completely unexpected from a QB 2 games into his true Soph season.

    I in no way expect a QB for the University of Texas to consistently and totally breakdown every time the game is on the line. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, elguapo said:

    The offense, especially offensive line, was loaded Colt's freshman season.  Not a fair comparison considering our brilliant offensive coaching staff asked true freshman Ehlinger to be the primary ball carrier/playmaker behind a complete shitshow OL with average to below average RB and WR play.

    That's fair for last year but why does he still look like a JAG now? The offensive line is improved - especially in pass protection. We have 3 good running backs, tight end depth and a few decently talented receivers. 

    You cannot lay the blame on supporting cast this year. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Disco Missile said:

    This is when you, as an individual, need to have some discernment.
    Just because you're hearing similar things doesn't mean that both are wrong because one was. 
    Skepticism is healthy. Cynicism isn't. The difference in the S&C program between Mack/Charlie and Herman is night and day. 


    What is that based on? Because you read that on a pro Texas blog? 


  6. 40 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No I get it.  But firing him today isn't going to improve that situation.  It would probably make it worse.  Whether to fire him at the end of the season is a different question.

    I am not even in the camp of firing Herman. Firing him now is insanely idiotic. The premise of the theoretical coaching search is based on the season going the way we think it might be headed. Then the question is, do you consider replacing him this December? Or do you give him a chance to replace his staff?  I think context for making that decision is based on a number of things including a review of his process,  how badly the season goes, the competitive landscape and who is available. 

    I would be in favor of making him replace his offensive staff and if we come in next year and it's still a shit sandwich, firing him earlier in the season. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

    Not sure how to embed this but look at the student section telling Herman to fuck off after he tries to hype them up. 


    This is a dynamic I did not expect. Herman has completely lost the fan base. It is probably not all his fault, either. Years of apathy has a lot to do with this. But he certainly has not helped himself. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, fuckyoufuckers said:

    We are the cesspool.

    Y'all will love this!

    It's a stupid article. And I am starting to wonder if these guys who cover Texas closely are trying too hard to get into Herman's good graces. So an ESPN analyst called us a cesspool. That should dictate our program's direction? Strong did not even know how to coach a coin toss or how to correctly accept or decline a penalty. That has nothing to do with the expectations of a fan base. 


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  9. 21 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I'll answer.  First, it is generally believed that firing a coach prior to three years, maybe even four, is not giving that coach a complete shot to implement his program and recruits.  Some of that may be speculative, but the fact remains that coaches don't ordinarily sign contracts for any less than three years, and more typically five, for this precise reason.  It's a pretty bad look, even when justified (by other than off-field issues).

    Second, firing coaches two games into the season is also regarded as reactionary and imprudent and it would be especially so when there aren't reasonable replacements on staff already (Orlando?  the offensive coaches would remain a shitshow).  It would be highly disruptive to recruiting, moreso than the traditional season-end firing.  FInally, it would be extremely difficult to initiate an interview process during the season, so no replacement will be forthcoming until after the season, anyway.  Again, a bad look, and likely guarantees that the season goes in the shitter and recruiting is fucked, whereas now it is a matter of educated speculation, but not a foregone conclusion.

    Finally, firing based on the relative importance of our win and aggy's loss is just reactionary and dumb.  We have no idea whether Jimbo is going to be any good at aggy or not based on one game from an NC-caliber team so well known for inexplicable choking that there's a name for it ("Clempsoning").  We actually don't know where Herman will end up with Texas, either, although the signs currently are pretty grim.

    We are most likely stuck with Herman this year and next.

    I think you misunderstood the point of the discussion of context. I do not think anyone suggests during our press conference we announce that A&M success lead to our decision but rather what the landscape looks like in the totality of the decision. You have to be completely obtuse to think the 75M investment into a Jimbo Fisher and his staff have not made things much more difficult for Texas. We simply do not have years to waste giving someone a predetermined timeline because custom dictates. That’s why coaches get guaranteed contracts. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Shaggy3.0 said:



    Ok. This is NOT new information. This article, and a few more that revealed Potato Tom’s thin skin, were posted on the old board. We ALL knew how he conducted himself as UH HC. Stupid donors and the need to replace Charlie with anyone put us in this hole.




    I’m guilty as charged. I wanted Strong gone and was excited to the point where I may have unintentionally overlooked huge red flags. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    So cringeworthy for him to condescendingly ask the dude's age, only to later pretend it was just a question and not a pointed insult.

    His strategy when the two guys very clearly pointed out how stupid his argument was. Start insulting them. Can you imagine what would happen if he started doing that with the Austin media? 

    Is this also why Ian Boyd  is going out of his way to spin our offensive Hindenberg as some sort or rare species of success? Because Herman goes after the press? 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Otter said:

    A few people on here made reference to an interview Herman did while he was still in Houston, so I got curious and searched for it. Holy hell is it embarrassing. While listening to it I was utterly speechless at how incredibly juvenile and petty he comes across. Who talks to sports media this way? Did anyone at all do any due diligence before hiring this clown?

    It's 20 minutes long and I promise worth every minute. Don't just read this article, listen to the interview all the way to the end because he closes with a doozy, and like me, you'll be floored that somebody thought it was a good idea to make this titty baby the Head Coach of The University of Texas football team.

    I can't believe I was stupid enough to buy all the hype.



    Holy shit. This is one thin skinned man. How did this not come up in the search?  When things go badly he is going to spiral out of. control with the media here and it is going to be ugly. 

    What a worthless effort to fight over semantics with local media over the wording of a headline. 

    • Like 1
  13. I do not believe he gets three years no matter what. It’s an entirely different situation than Strong. Expectations were much higher with so many upperclassmen in the two deep. We have a new AD trying to quickly raise money. A&M and Oklahoma have a bright future with their current coaching situation.  Strong was certainly more likeable and had most people wanting him to succeed. If he tanks this season it’s not out of the question he gets fired. 

    It’s not as simple as Strong got three so Herman automatically gets three. There is context for sure. 

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  14. If we are going to have to fire Herman, I hope we do it early in whatever season we do it in. Then we can create our list, and systematically  throw money at the top coaches until they tell you “no.”  If you exhaust the no brainer portion of your list and no one wants the most lucrative contract in football history, go to the next list that should include the likes of Harsin and Fleck and other promising coaches and interview them to get a detailed plan for how they would win at Texas. Make sure they know that their OC and DC will be the highest paid coordinators in football with multi year contracts and we expect nothing less in the coaching search. 

    Then hire the one who offers the best plan for building the best staff money can buy. There is no point in being the Jones’ if you do not try to solve your problems with money. 

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