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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Newy25

  1. This. Also people need to stop saying “weed” like we are still in the days of a bag of weed and rolling paper. THC products are much more common in vape pens (oil infused THC) and edible products most commonly gummies. These are not something a dog is trained to find. My favorite product is a hydration powder that I mix with a vodka soda at the airport bar.
  2. Tray Allen showed us who he was during the Army All American practices and game. He was really just a three star guard that the services refused to adjust after initial junior camp hype. Unlike Bible I don’t think he ever showed five star tape at any time as a prospect.
  3. You literally laid out the criteria for busts and proceeded to pick someone first who met none of your above criteria. Unless of course you were in fact out hyping Burnette to all of your friends before he got to Texas? Just a bizarrely weird pick for an exercise that you picked the rules for. Taylor Bible was my biggest miss. His junior film looked like Warren Sapp and I told anyone who would listen that the next great defensive linemen to go to Texas was going to destroy the Big 12. I simply forgot (or chose not to) watch his senior film to realize he was quickly eating himself into oblivion. The evidence was right in front of my face that he was going to be a bust but I wanted to believe I suppose.
  4. You know you are a poor when your 400k per year assistant coach leaves and your first thought is how you can now save enough money to buy players.
  5. It doesn’t matter that the entire story and accusations again him were a complete lie? No, I think that kind of matters. Being an asshole does not mean people get to slander you and ruin your reputation.
  6. I guess you have never spent hours scrolling through World Star Hip Hop. This scenario is pretty standard, really.
  7. Johntay is obviously spiraling out and making every wrong decision where possible. I was just genuinely surprised you can arrested for something in Texas that is legalized basically every where else in the free world. You can walk right through TSA now with THC products. Just odd that Texas would still be enforcing this.
  8. People are getting arrested in Texas for weed? Seriously that is a thing?
  9. Jesus fucking Christ this is going to be a brutal couple of days.
  10. I know the reasons and this isn’t a criticism of this staff but holy shit it sucks to not sign either of the Duncanville duo. I think both are going to be first round draft picks.
  11. That’s encouraging on Brooks’ weight but I doubt a true freshman is going to beat out players who have been in our system for three years. Until very recently there was a debate that even would end up a tackle.
  12. Negging everyone who quotes the troll that we all have on ignore.
  13. That is some next level bitching and crying. Why is it that the schools that cheated the most are the most vocal now about how bad it is to pay players? Just no self awareness whatsoever.
  14. Wait a minute. The Gerg is dead? Holy shit how did I miss that. He single handily turned Mack Brown into a man. Mad respect.
  15. How much longer will it be before Duane Fucking Akina is not mentioned every time we have a coaching vacancy?
  16. It’s a great sign when your position coaches get hired away for promotions. Very happy for Gideon.
  17. Born again women are the best kind of sluts. Oh so I have heard.
  18. Having position coaches hired away by the NFL or being promoted by other college programs is a sign of a healthy program. I’m happy for him.
  19. They returned most of their starters and completely shit the bed this year. He isn’t even trying in recruiting and Gundy has done nothing to organize an NIL effort. He basically quit on the job and this is the AD putting him on notice.
  20. Is that how this works now?
  21. Newy25

    Hudson Card

    Eric Nahlin said he would be a multi year starter and first round draft pick after he left school early for the NFL. But then again Nahlin is wrong about everything football so there is that.
  22. Air quoting championship game as if it is some sort of narrative and not a fact that they haven’t been to one in 30 years is part of the reason I am a full on Bears fan now. Imagine crushing someone’s soul so badly you drive them to the Bears. Well done, Jerry. Well done.
  23. This is the guy that has barely played, right? From reading comments on his portal announcement it didn’t sound like he was being factored into their plans going forward.
  24. What in the actually fuck is your point? That instead of hiring a successful coordinator Jerry was right to hire a fucking spare that isn’t even a good coordinator?
  25. Yesterday was the deadline to inform their team. Ohio State I believe has 48 hours to enter their name in the portal but assuming that would have leaked already if it were someone like Smith.
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