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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Newy25

  1. Oh Tech
  2. Because our coach started the fucking game with another terrible game management decision after losing games last year because of terrible game management decisions. I don’t just casually watch our coach make game decisions like a toddler with a clip board and say “Oh well it’s just Rice.”
  3. Right. That’s not something you can like, figure out any other way. And there is definitely no virtue in practicing pinning an opponent deep.
  4. Instead of pinning the deep and dooming then to another bad outcome we might have just given them points. Sark is retarded sometimes.
  5. Attempting a 56 yard field goal up 37-3 is an….interesting/retarded decision.
  6. All of that off-season Koolaid and the offense looks like complete dog shit.
  7. Is Baxter confirmed hurt?
  8. Uh, what? You don’t have a nice enough jet obviously.
  9. Most flights you take now are landed on autopilot.
  10. Only to the religious fanatics and mentally ill.
  11. It might in the PAC 12 or Northwestern. The rest of the country is over Covid.
  12. He’s always a cunt.
  13. Throwing away a draft pick for a player who might or might not even be on the active roster if things work out.
  14. Just watched Chip Brown ask Sark about the receiver talent. Chip looks like a more strung out Gary Busey. Should we take up a collection to send him to rehab?
  15. My apologies if the sarcasm was too subtle. The notion that Bush is anything other than a warm body should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain by this point.
  16. All Big 12, IMO.
  17. Other than he is small, slow and not a good football player I see no reason to criticize his play on the field. If you really think he is our first linebacker off the bench if Ford gets hurt, you should join Ian Boyd in a discussion of linebacker talent because he will be the only one who agrees with you.
  18. 100% chance Bush is one of Burton’s sources. He constantly tries to sell him as a reliable linebacker despite absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back that up.
  19. We need this season to start already. I just heard Ian Boyd wonder if Harold Perkins would be better than David Gbenda on the Inside Texas podcast. Peak offseason retardedness.
  20. I will never forget the Dreamweaver article he wrote. I hope someone has that somewhere for reference.
  21. That was fucking retarded.
  22. Jesus fucking Christ this man is a cunt.
  23. He got processed out of USC.
  24. Would much rather land the five star defensive/offensive linemen and corners then prioritize NIL for Hudson. I think our offense this year will sell itself to future portal receivers and recruits at receiver.
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