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Everything posted by JerrysJheriCurl

  1. I used to go to Sam’s for lunch in high school and get that mutton sammich. It was real solid.
  2. I’m old enough to remember when that was Ben’s Long Branch. Ben used to have a lunch special: two meat, two sides and tea for like $7.99 or something like that. You could also watch the prostis walk up and down the street.
  3. Just terrible. There was one where a guy at a BBQ competition (somewhere up north) was just murdering the brisket and was throwing the bark in the trash. I can’t find it or maybe YouTube took it down. The comment sections of these vids bring the lulz. Thank you for showing me the perfect way to slice brisket!
  4. For those that want to laugh, cry or get agro. Or all the above. I hope they serve those briskets with a pack of 500 toothpicks. Looking dry af too.
  5. Potente, Kokoro or Perbacco
  6. Yessir. Usually around Easter, Memorial Weekend, 4th of July and Labor Day is traditionally when they go on sale at HEB. Limit 2. But y’all know how we do it. Guess it was only Houston, if y’all ain’t got it in ATX.
  7. This gentleman and scholar is more articulate than I. Been making my own brisket for 40+ years. We were taught at a very early age to BBQ. Family tradition/rite of passage and what not. Grew up on brisket, when it was $.19/lb. It was “throw away” meat, which poor folk bought to feed a lot of people. Then a group of people found out about it… Now it’s delicacy. Gentrified my meat, so to speak. You know what else used to be “throw away” meat? Fajita. Now getting it at $7/lb is a good deal. What’s next? Barbacoa? Lengua? Tripas? Hell, even menudo… honeycomb is now $6/lb. Paying $30/lb for something I can do for at least a sixth of the cost and a whole lot better? No gracias. /RantOver
  8. HEB had the briskets for $1.87/lb, so I stocked up. Was amused by the folk next to me buying trimmed brisket. I’m from the @Vic Mackey school when it comes to brisket. I have always bought packers since I was a chavalito. Have never eaten BBQ in Houston and have lived here quite a while. I just fire up the pit and make my own.
  9. Don’t kink shame sir. With that being said, pretty much what you said is spot on. KFC should not waste an opportunity to put this guy in a commercial. Does his exercise count as 1/2 mile club or 1/4 mile club? Asking for a friend. And when is @Uncle Boobs flying SWA next? Your move sir. We’re all counting on you.
  10. Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, jerk off at least twice a day. Once in the morning, right after I work out, then once right after lunch. I want to. That’s not why I do it. I do it ‘cause I fucking NEED to. You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. I keep the rhythm below the belt.
  11. As someone who has an exgf from Göteborg, I can testify to the size 4 34D powers of persuasion. Her friends were of the same ilk. Very active culture. Morocco is not correct. Trust me on this khouya. A big fan of the couscous and chebekiya. Agadir, Casa and Tanja. Recognize. If you haven’t been, you need to go to appreciate the beauty of the women. And this chart should be by cities. My experience is that Guadalajara, DF and Monterrey bring some serious heat. Chichis Christ! And Lebanon is definitely incorrect. Had a Beruti exgf, Size 2 32F. Natural. She was dropping bombs. Yalla habibti. Yalla. She’s an outlier, but if you have been to Beirut… my goodness. Mashallah. TLDR: By cities please. Map is definitely clickbait and not peer or surly reviewed.
  12. Good catch my man. It was late here in DC… and had too much Malbec. In vino veritas… I guess not. As someone said, the pot 4 selection will determine the GoD. Pot 3 has some Morton’s too. I don’t want to play Senegal. That team is salty AF. They are a dark horse for me to win it all. Already bet it at +15000. Threw a bit more on 🇺🇸. Poland with Lewandowski can be a dangerous team as well. Should have waited for the draw to bet, but I guess that’s why it’s called gambling. Good luck all in.
  13. Calling my shot. Group of Near Death: Belgium (revenge game) USA, Ghana (because we always draw Ghana), Japan Group of Death: Brazil, Germany (because they need to play each other for the story), Senegal, Canadá Group of Almost Death: Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Ecuador Group of Cake: Qatar, Switzerland, Tunisia, Peru. Because Qatar NEEDS to advance! Group of WTF: France, Uruguay, Iran, Saudi Arabia (because that Sunni Shi’a match up is gonna be lit) I think I did the pots correctly.
  14. I guess when someone David Lindhagen’s your wife, you feel less manly and have to compensate for your shortcomings by getting a bit agro sometimes. Maybe if he would have taken Vito’s advice to begin with, he wouldn’t have been in that situation. And why a slap? You’re already up there. Deebo him if you gonna do it.
  15. Italy is ranked 6 in FIFA… which pot are they in?
  16. From now on I’m calling Pulisic… El Sucio… because he so filthy. 🧢
  17. WTF is San Deigo State? Chihuahua. Eye ken naught be leaf anyJuan their fourgot two reed in right
  18. Oh it’s been happening for a while now. I think the “deadline” is 2023. I forget because they moved it. Look up Vision 2030 to understand it a bit more. And @atomheartbevois correct. It’s more of an ego/legacy thing than anything else. Most empires have made a city or site a feature, and get all fancy about it. They want to be/act like the empire they are not. I guess if you can’t dance, try and fake it. #PincheKhaleeji
  19. Neom is the pride of all the Saudi folk I hang with and know. Essentially they are building the most modern futuristic digital green city… module by module. Keep that feria burn rate going sadiki, for all I care, as I tell my folk. I could go on with more, but I am a sure the Google machine can help you. Googlelealo. And not falafel my good man. It’s called tamiya in KSA. Kabsah is what they are really known for. Also try some kibbeh and mandi. Sambusaks are just Saudi empanadas, and almost as good.
  20. This guy fucks. Literally. Those albums are panty droppers x8. Just pour the courvoisier and you’re all set.
  21. Bella Ciao! Italy no World Cup for you sirs.
  22. I was actually listening to Tone Loc this morning. Didn’t known I was going to read Tone Deaf right after. I’m sure this HAS to be an honest inarticulate phrase… and I’m just busting balls. But damn. That was a wild thing to say.
  23. Obligatory
  24. Bruh, a mi no importa. Call it mac-n-cheese, if it floats your boat. IDGAF what you call it. Put a choke hold on the muthafucka and call it blue dog shit, you know what I mean? I don’t care. I’m just giving you the genesis of the term.
  25. Do you even Citizens United bro? You may want to Google machine that. Googlelealo. Using that term is very telling. There are “think tanks” on K Street and other parts of the city that create terms and messages, test them and retest them a few more times, before they send them out to their targeted demographic/audience. It’s intentional. It’s a feature, not a bug. It’s set up like a deck of cards. They’re sending us to early graves for all the diamonds. They’ll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades.
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