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  1. I think Tyler Lockett is out of eligibility.
  2. https://amazingribs.com/ is a great resource with some questionable web design. Chicken, sausage, and pork butts are easier than brisket or ribs, so I recommend starting there for the first couple of cooks. It's really hard to mess up a pork butt for pulled pork. You'll need a thermometer with multiple probes, some for ambient smoker temps, others for meat. Try out different woods to see which you like best. If you're in Texas, post oak, hickory, and mesquite will be the most available (maybe pecan too?). I live in the PNW so I also like to toss in a little apple or cherry wood for fun since I can find them for relatively cheaper. Given the time and effort it takes to run an offset smoker I like to make a lot of extra meat in each cook, then vacuum seal and freeze the leftovers.
  3. We'll, his middle name is Quitta...
  4. Jimbo 2023: Will the Last Recruit Leaving the Class Please Turn Off the Lights?
  5. She blushed. "I'm... burgersexual." "Robble robble."
  6. Cargo shorts pockets, full of beans.
  7. He should turn those locks into a mullet as a show of team solidarity.
  8. My expectations for Les Miles in this game are zero point zero.
  9. The 6 conference champion auto qualifiers might be awkward if the PAC and/or ACC are eventually raided by the B1G and SEC.
  10. What the Big Ten adding USC and UCLA would mean for the SEC - The Athletic
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