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  1. I agree with you, but bear in mind the entire country’s senior leadership has been essentially kowtowed under threat of mean tweets in ALL CAPS!!!
  2. I’m not a real big fan of “negging” on principle. I think it’s useful for crowdsourcing but otherwise it’s kind bullying.
  3. That was a really weird trailer (particularly the music) given the tenor of season one.
  4. We had the carrots and onion rings. I thought the steak was good but a little underwhelmed given the pedigree. Best part was Evan Leroy slicing it at the table and giving him a hard time about being a celebrity chef now.
  5. It’s not really about the mortgage per se, it’s setting up the deed so that its joint tenancy with right of survivorship. Any lender can do that on a conventional loan but you’ll probably freak them out since it’s uncommon enough they may not have seen it. It’s also not a solution for stepmom to neglect estate planning (as a good attorney will tell you).
  6. Personally, I would tell the agent that we’ve negotiated a deal between ourselves but want to credit him in some way because of the prior agreement. Then ask him what he would suggest. You can still decline whatever that is if it’s too much, but he‘s most likely going to ask for something reasonable (or nothing at all), and then it’s him making that decision rather than you making it for him (and therefore he’ll be happier with it, which is what this is presumably all about, anyway).
  7. I was at a birthday party a few years ago that had a tasting of about five different Japanese whiskeys and I loved them all. I have a bottle of Yamazaki 18 I bought during Covid and I just don’t like it and gave up trying to pretend.
  8. Omg, I’ve never seen that before it was glorious.
  9. I think the Dems are a little paralyzed but also following the apocryphal Napoleon quote "when your enemy is making a false move, don't interrupt him." You'll see them get more coverage once there's more discontent amongst the middle and middle-right. You've already got the Bernie Sanders folks and they are the fun police. I like your idea that it needs to come from the bottom up, though. The DNC and elites in the party are totally ignored by the huge swath of young people who don't consume legacy media.
  10. They can’t do that shit, they are institutionalists. Don’t you want them to stand for something besides externalizing your frustration?
  11. I actually think they’ll be hiring a bunch of staff aug consultants from Deloitte and CGI and the funding won’t be considered part of the agency budget (and they’ll be able to tout labor cost savings when the bottom line is actually worse). Of course, we’ll be in a recession by then because firms will have fully pulled back on spending with the increase in unemployment. It’s quite a statement on the current state of affairs that it’s the silver lining.
  12. This is more for @chainsaw, but as an avid consumer of center left media I can tell you the Dems are running all kinds of ideas out there but nothing is getting traction besides Biden fucked us. Maybe they are better off as a lifestyle/culture brand with political leanings. That’s basically what MAGA is. I do think it’s interesting that a lot of Dem office holders are going to great pains to say “look at how heterodox my views are!”
  13. Someone in the Navy is adjacent enough to the USMC to well understand getting fucked by the green weenie.
  14. I think they had successfully hidden the loss of range behind their shift strategy, and the rules change away from that made it more of an acute problem.
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