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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I feel like the analytics guys would always have a transfer punter/kicker identified and ready to bag in the new NIL era.
  2. Haha, I remember WAT from IT. I’m surprised he hasn’t Darwin’d himself by now.
  3. Sorry, what’s your objection? You don’t think it’s normal to provide a framework in which opposite party affiliated voters feel more comfortable voting for your candidate? Historically that is how most campaigns have been run.
  4. You may not be familiar with VoteVets but that’s probably targeting Republican voters. They are big supporters of national security Dems who have won in purple/red districts.
  5. Haha, they don’t care. They’ll do a couple of weeks of talking about themselves (it’s their favorite subject anyway). Whatever drives eyeballs. I’m sure Lee Greenwood is very familiar with who pays the bills after managing to be a one hit wonder who still makes a leaving at it forty years later, but I bet he never imagined sharing the marquee with the founder of Death Row Records.
  6. If you’re a regular slate reader, your concern might be tempered by the fact they’ve run a “this is the end of the republic as we know it” article daily since 2007.
  7. She should have done it at Kyle Field for the lulz…
  8. Hah! Listening to the Bulwark podcast with Stephens as a guest as we speak, mainly to see if Miller will call him out for being such a gigantic pussy.
  9. Late Night with the Devil is now on Hulu for those lacking a Shudder sub.
  10. I wouldn’t mind a better punter if we’re shopping for specialists.
  11. Boerne is a nice visit but it’s also the “fuck you, I got mine” capital of Texas.
  12. They think of themselves as German, though. It's another way to distinguish themselves from the Mexicans and everyone else. It's also very Aggie despite the fact few are ranching (and fewer are farming).
  13. That’s part of it, Big Sort and all. I also think that the old German pioneer, independent and yet community building spirit curdled into selfish NIMBY’ism. The old German families resent the Mexican Americans that now outnumber them so the demographics are more like apartheid South Africa. The whole area is a really good example of the weakness of the state Democratic Party. If they were capable of party buiding it would be a great candidate because the numbers are there.
  14. She bothers me less than Bateman, whose public “Bruce Wayne” performance is pretty hammy, along with any time Batman attempts to quip. Like when he is back from Princeton and go to the narrows to meet Carmine Falcone, gives a homeless person his coat and says to the homeless dude “people are going to come looking for me.” The homeless man says “who?”, and he replies back “everyone.” It makes him seem extremely narcissistic, which is at odds with a plot trying to paint him as a selfless hero. Then you have the callback later with “nice coat” that takes a scene doing a lot of heavy lifting to suspend audience disbelief that this character would be frightening to criminals and adds that ridiculous dad joke.
  15. I’m presuming that’s from the WaPo survey and article, the author of which was on the Bulwark podcast yesterday. Tim Miller asked the obvious question-“If her policies are so popular why isn’t Kamala doing better?” He started to answer his own question, echoed by the reporter, that Trump supportive voters aren’t ranking policy alignment very highly. They are MAGA cultists and/or pissed about inflation.
  16. Look, the polls aren’t the problem. Political scientists would like to believe that asking citizens about their preferences is healthy for democracy and for communicating preferences to elected officials. The problem is they are now being used to feed a media ecosystem that is far more interested in talking about a horse race than policy. And in support of that you have media acknowledging the results of shit pollsters and treating them the same as non-partisan polls. It’s not entirely different from all the goddamn bowl games that end up hosting Nevada versus Vanderbilt and both have 6-5 records.
  17. I’m glad she’s reaching out to sports fan but I still want her on Rogan.
  18. I don’t think they are garbage, but I’ve been re-watching with my eight year old and there’s definitely some weak spots that I bet Nolan would acknowledge don’t work. Heath Ledger, fwiw, is still incredible. Have you seen the Phantom Thread? He’s relatively subdued in it and it’s probably the best lead performance of anyone in 2017.
  19. Voted yesterday at the Balcones Woods shopping center. Line was about 40 deep both before and after I voted but it moved fast; I was in and out in half an hour. Definitely extra satisfying this year compared to ‘22. I wish I could vote against Ted Cruz every morning for a little hit of dopamine.
  20. I live close and eat out a lot so have been to everywhere in the Domain and most of them close by. The restaurants in the Domain are all aggressively mediocre. On the bright side, no place is terrible but there isn’t a standout and there isn’t a budget friendly option. Ambiance is usually the best part of all of your options. We usually will do Flower Child or True Food because there are at least healthy options. Outside the Domain there’s Turnstile (love their drink menu), Con Todo for tacos (also a Taco Deli is close at Gracy Farms). Tomodachi Sushi is relatively close, as is House of Three Gorges (over praised on the Austin Reddit thread but probably the only “wow, that was great” meal I’ve had in Austin in years).
  21. All the more reason why structural reform that better enables majorities to craft policy should be the #1 Harris priority. You can’t “fix” things if a nihilistic minority is empowered to put the breaks on everything, or you need to have a rare moment when all of the levers of power are in the hands of your party. The GOP should want this, too, if there are any left capable of acting in good faith.
  22. And yet, it would be worth it.
  23. If Green didn’t like it he could have just played out his rookie contract and go into restricted free agency. This is a compromise option between getting some security. If he has a good year the Rockets will want to max out an extension. If it’s not heading that direction then it’s probable the Rockets will want to move him.
  24. At least in Austin, it‘s hard to get more “foody” than a $10 taco at Nixta* *what’s worse is they don’t innovate-the menu is mostly the same as five years ago, just more expensive.
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